Friday 14 June 2024

Microsoft Delays Windows Recall Rollout

Microsoft announced it is delaying rollout of its controversial Recall feature, saying it wants “to ensure the experience meets our high standards for quality and security.”

Recall essentially screenshots nearly everything a user does on their computer, making it easy to go back and search for documents, messages, videos, and virtually anything else using natural language expressions. Unfortunately, as impressive as the feature is, it’s a privacy and security nightmare—as virtually every security and privacy expert has pointed out.

See Also: Windows Recall Will ‘Set Cybersecurity Back a Decade’

Microsoft announced a number of changes on June 7 in an effort to address the concerns, but has decided to postpone the feature altogether to further address them. Pavan Davuluri—Corporate Vice President, Windows + Devices—announced to change in an update to the June 7 announcement:

Today, we are communicating an additional update on the Recall (preview) feature for Copilot+ PCs. Recall will now shift from a preview experience broadly available for Copilot+ PCs on June 18, 2024, to a preview available first in the Windows Insider Program (WIP) in the coming weeks. Following receiving feedback on Recall from our Windows Insider Community, as we typically do, we plan to make Recall (preview) available for all Copilot+ PCs coming soon.

We are adjusting the release model for Recall to leverage the expertise of the Windows Insider community to ensure the experience meets our high standards for quality and security. This decision is rooted in our commitment to providing a trusted, secure and robust experience for all customers and to seek additional feedback prior to making the feature available to all Copilot+ PC users. Additionally, as we shared in our May 3 blog, security is our top priority at Microsoft, in line with our Secure Future Initiative (SFI). This is reflected in additional security protections we are providing for Recall content, including “just in time” decryption protected by Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security (ESS), so Recall snapshots will only be decrypted and accessible when the user authenticates. The development of Copilot+ PCs, Recall and Windows will continue to be guided by SFI.

When Recall (preview) becomes available in the Windows Insider Program, we will publish a blog post with details on how to get the preview. To try Recall (preview) WIP customers will need a Copilot+ PC due to our hardware requirements. We look forward to hearing Windows Insider feedback.

The announcement is good news and is the first real demonstration that Microsoft is taking its previous commitments to put security above all else seriously.

from WebProNews

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