Sunday 16 June 2024

C++ Is More Popular Than C For The First Time Ever

Programming language C++ just passed C for the first time ever in its 39 year history.

C++ began its life as an extension of C, adding high-level and object-oriented features, something C traditionally lacked. Despite its advantages, C++ has played second fiddle to C, with the latter being preferred by many organizations for its performance and low-level power.

According to TIOBE, C++ has finally overtaken C as of June 2024.

“C++ is the new number 2 in the TIOBE index,” said Paul Jansen CEO TIOBE Software. “Originally, dubbed as the better and object-oriented version of C, it took C++ 39 years after its inception to beat C’s popularity. C++ has never been that high in the TIOBE index, whereas C has never been that low. C++ started a new life as of 2011 with its consistent 3 yearly updates. Although most compilers and most engineers can’t take up with this pace, it is considered a success to see the language evolve. The main strenghts of C++ are its performance and scalability. Its downside is its many ways to get things done, i.e. its rich idiom of features, which is caused by its long history and aim for backward compatibility. C++ is heavily used in embedded systems, game development and financial trading software, just to name a few domains.”

It remains to be seen if the rankings change is a permanent one, or merely a temporary statistical blip.

from WebProNews

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