Thursday 20 June 2024

Biden Administration Poised to Ban Kaspersky Products

The Biden administration is reportedly poised to ban Kaspersky Lab’s security software given the company’s ties to the Kremlin.

Kaspersky is a popular maker of antivirus and security software, but the company is based in Russia. According to Reuters, officials are concerned by how widely used Kaspersky’s products are, including by organizations classified as critical infrastructure providers. The company’s software is also used by state and local governments.

Accusations of close ties between Kaspersky and the Russian government have been growing in recent months. According to CNET, there have been some reports that indicate the company is actively working with the FSB, while others claim that Russian intelligence has hacked the company’s products for its own benefit. Either way, officials are increasingly concerned that Kaspersky’s products represent a growing threat to national security.

“The case against Kaspersky Lab is overwhelming,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen. “The strong ties between Kaspersky Lab and the Kremlin are alarming and well-documented.”

Given the popularity of Kaspersky’s products, a ban on its software will likely have significant repercussions for organizations and government entities alike.

from WebProNews

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