Wednesday 26 June 2024

Volkswagen to Invest $5 Billion In Rivian

Rivian and Volkswagen have announced a joint venture, with Volkswagen set to invest $5 billion in the electric vehicle maker.

Rivian has emerged as one of the most successful challengers to Tesla, with the automaker already supplying 10,000 vehicles to Amazon, with plans for a total of 100,000. The EV maker is getting a major boost from its newly-announced joint venture with Volkswagen, while the German automaker will be able to jump start its EV ambitions.

The partnership is anticipated to accelerate the development of software for Rivian and Volkswagen Group. It is expected to allow both companies to combine their complementary strengths and lower cost per vehicle by increasing scale and speeding up innovation globally.

Both companies aim to launch vehicles benefiting from the technology created within the joint venture in the second half of the decade. In the short term, the joint venture is expected to enable Volkswagen Group to utilize Rivian’s existing electrical architecture and software platform. The partnership’s ambition is to accelerate Volkswagen Group’s SDV plans and transition to a pure zonal architecture. Each company will continue to separately operate their respective vehicle businesses.

Volkswagen’s initial investment will be $1 billion, with the company expected to invest a total of $5 billion

“Our customers benefit from the targeted partnership with Rivian to create a leading technology architecture,” said Oliver Blume, CEO of Volkswagen Group. “Through our cooperation, we will bring the best solutions to our vehicles faster and at lower cost. We are also acting in the best interest of our strong brands, which will inspire with their iconic products. The partnership fits seamlessly with our existing software strategy, our products, and partnerships. We are strengthening our technology profile and our competitiveness.”

“We’re very excited to be partnering with Volkswagen Group,” added RJ Scaringe, Founder and CEO of Rivian. “Since the earliest days of Rivian, we have been focused on developing highly differentiated technology, and it’s exciting that one of the world’s largest and most respected automotive companies has recognized this. Not only is this partnership expected to bring our software and associated zonal architecture to an even broader market through Volkswagen Group’s global reach, but this partnership also is expected to help secure our capital needs for substantial growth. Rivian was created to help the world to transition away from fossil fuels through compelling products and services, and this partnership is beautifully aligned with that mission.”

from WebProNews

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Google Search Is Eliminating Continuous Scroll

Google is making a major change to its Google Search results, eliminating continuous scrolling in favor of old-style page-based results.

According to Search Engine Land, Google first debuted continuous scroll on the desktop in December 2022, although it had existed on mobile search since October 2021. The company is dumping the feature in favor of the traditional “Next” button at the bottom of the search results.

The company told the outlet that performance was a major factor in the decision, as the older page-based style allows the company to return results faster. It also saves resources by not pre-loading results the user may never scroll down and see.

As the outlet points out, the change could have a significant impact on search engine rankings and websites, as being on the second, third, or lower pages could result in a major drop in traffic. At the same time, the majority of search engines one the market use page-based results, so Google will once again be more in-line with the rest of the industry.

The company is making the change effective today, June 25.

from WebProNews

Apple Passed On Meta AI Deal Over Privacy Concerns

Apple reportedly passed on a possible deal with Meta to include the latter’s Llama model in Apple Intelligence (A.I.) over privacy concerns.

Reports surfaced this week that Apple and Meta were in talks regarding a possible partnership on artificial intelligence, much like Apple’s deal with OpenAI that will see ChatGPT offered as an option to Apple customers. Apple has made clear that it is willing to work with more than one AI provider, so a possible deal with Meta was not outside the realm of possibility.

According to Bloomberg, via MacRumors, Apple rejected a possible deal with Meta months ago over privacy concerns. Apple evidently began talks with Meta around the same time as OpenAI and Alphabet, but quickly ended them because “it doesn’t see that company’s privacy practices as stringent enough.”

Meta has a long history of privacy abuses, and regulators have repeatedly expressed concern about the sheer amount of data Meta has on people’s lives. In that context, it’s reassuring that Apple opted not to partner with Meta.

from WebProNews

Low-Cost Service Businesses You Can Start from Home

Are you thinking about starting a business without spending lots of money? You can start a service business from home. Social media makes it easy to find work worldwide. If you’re good at putting things together, being organized, or knowing a lot about something, there’s a job for you. You could help with emails, writing, designing, or teaching online. Starting doesn’t cost a lot, and you can work from home. It lets you earn money doing what you love and helping others simultaneously.

Content Creation

Social media and the nonstop news cycle have created new chances for creative people like writers and graphic designers. If you’re good at these things, grab the opportunity to create great content for businesses and news sites as it is one of the best ways to make money online. They always need better content to keep their audience interested. With more freelancers, showing off what you can do and getting hired for jobs is more accessible. You can become a famous professional if you use your imagination and skills well. Use this changing world to show what you can do and help businesses and media companies with their content. It’s a great way to build a successful career online.

Personal or virtual Assistant

Entrepreneurs who want to make their businesses bigger must focus on jobs that benefit them. They need people who organize things to help everything run smoothly. Personal or virtual assistants are super important because they do many different office jobs from their homes. They work for other people, managing schedules, booking trips, and doing office work well. As businesses get bigger, they need more assistants who are good at their jobs. It means there are lots of chances for assistants to do well. They can work from home and help many clients, ensuring everything runs smoothly. It allows entrepreneurs to focus on essential things that help their businesses grow and be successful.

Event Planning Services

Starting an event-planning business could be significant if you’re good at organizing and paying attention to small things. Event planners help with different parties, such as weddings and birthdays, ensuring everyone has a good time without any worries. Plan a few free events to improve and show what you can do. Use websites like LinkedIn and make calls to find people who can help, like vendors and contacts. It will help you prepare to make your clients’ dreams come true and give them parties they’ll never forget. With hard work and a love for arranging, you can turn your hobby into a successful future as an event planner.

Errand/Concierge Service

Many working parents have jobs and care for their kids, so they only have a little time for grocery shopping or mailing packages. But if you’re motivated, you can help out with these tasks. It gives parents more time for important stuff. You can charge for every hour you work or each task you do, and remember to include travel costs in your rates. By helping with errands, you not only make life easier for busy parents but also get a chance to earn money. This job lets you make a big difference in their lives while reaching your money goals. If you’re committed and willing to help, you can create a successful business while supporting families in your area.

Professional Reviewer

A professional reviewer gets paid to share their thoughts about products, services, or experiences. They might work for companies, websites, or magazines or be independent reviewers who write on blogs or social media. These reviewers often know much about technology, fashion, food, and entertainment. They try out the things they’re reviewing and share detailed feedback based on what they experienced. Their reviews can help people decide what to buy and help companies improve their products. To be a professional reviewer, you need to think critically, communicate well, and care about giving honest opinions.

Social Media Consultant

Big companies can afford to pay a marketing team or hire someone to handle their social media and blogs. But small businesses usually do this themselves. Business owners already have much to do, so utilizing social media can take time and effort. As a consultant, you can help by advising them on what to post, when to post, and how to make their posts delightful for the folks they want to reach. When their follower numbers go up, it’s good for their business, and it’s good for yours too. More people noticing their business online means more people noticing your consultancy, which helps both of you grow.

Online Courses and Tutoring

Do you enjoy doing something a lot? Like yoga, baking, or making websites? You can teach others about it and help them learn. Giving virtual classes is an excellent way to do this. You can make instruction sheets and videos for people to download or teach live on Skype. Another idea is to start a tutoring service where you help people learn at home or online. It feels good to share what you love and watch others improve. Teaching can make a difference in people’s lives and help them find new things they enjoy. So, whether you’re doing virtual classes or tutoring, there are many ways to teach and help others.

Personal Chef

In this business, your main task is to cook meals for your clients weekly or daily. So, having good cooking skills and understanding nutrition and various diets is important. You don’t necessarily need to attend culinary school, but cooking classes can give you more confidence and credibility. Sometimes, you may have to go to the grocery store or your clients’ homes to cook the meals. But don’t worry; your clients will cover the cost of the food and any additional fees for your service. It’s a great opportunity to showcase your culinary talents while providing a valuable service to busy individuals or families. As you build trust with your clients and deliver delicious meals, your business will likely grow through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Translation Service

If you know another language well, you can work as a translator. Your job is to change words from one language to another in writing and when speaking. This job is needed because there are more connections between countries now and more people in the U.S. who don’t speak English. The government says it will keep growing by 4 percent until 2032. You can start your translation business and offer services to businesses, schools, hospitals, courts, and meeting spots. Helping break down language barriers will make it easier for various groups to understand each other. As you get more clients, you’ll be helping to create a more open and understanding society where everyone can communicate better.


People can start many types of home-based businesses without spending much money. They can use their skills and interests to help others and chase their dreams of owning a business. Whether creating content, cooking meals, translating, or something else, each option lets people make a difference in their community while earning money. With the internet connecting everyone and more people needing special services, now is a great time to start a business from home. People can use their talents and ideas to build successful careers while making life better for others around them in the changing world.

from WebProNews

Experts Sound Alarm Over Telegram’s ’30 Engineers’

Experts are weighing in and sounding the alarm over Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s boast that the company only has “about 30 engineers.”

According to TechCrunch, Durov made the revelation in an interview with Tucker Carlson. As the outlet noted, Durov was bragging about his company being “super efficient,” but experts didn’t agree with his assessment.

Between being based in Dubai, and only have 30 engineers in a field that is a ripe target for bad actors, experts say Durov’s revelation is a major concern.

“Without end-to-end encryption, huge numbers of vulnerable targets, and servers located in the UAE? Seems like that would be a security nightmare,” Matthew Green, a cryptography expert at Johns Hopkins University, told TechCrunch.

Unlike Signal and WhatsApp, Telegram does not use end-to-end encryption (E2EE) by default, requiring users to manually opt-in.

“What makes Telegram different (and much worse!) is that Telegram is not just a messaging app, it is also a social media platform. As a social media platform, it is sitting on an enormous amount of user data. Indeed, it is sitting on the contents of all communications that are not one-on-one messages that have been specifically [end-to-end] encrypted,” Eva Galperin, cybersecurity director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told TechCrunch. “‘Thirty engineers’ means that there is no one to fight legal requests, there is no infrastructure for dealing with abuse and content moderation issues.”

“And I would even argue that the quality of those 30 engineers isn’t that great,” Galperin added. “Also, if I was a threat actor, I would definitely consider this to be encouraging news. Every attacker loves a profoundly understaffed and overworked opponent.”

Telegram has had questions raised about its security for years, with critics slamming its lack of default E2EE. What’s more, the arrest of Russian protesters relying on Telegram has cast doubt on whether the app’s encryption algorithms are truly secure.

Given the app’s history, it’s easy to understand why experts are so concerned about its mere 30 engineers.

from WebProNews

Monday 24 June 2024

OpenAI Buys Multi, the Multiplayer Desktop Collaboration Tool

OpenAI has purchased Multi, multiplayer desktop collaboration tool, with the existing service shutting down next month.

Multi was created with the prospect of making desktop computers and collaboration truly multiplayer. The company’s software enables simultaneous screensharing, shared control, keyboard-first control, and much more. The software is used by such names as Mozilla, Automattic, VMware, Plaid, and others.

The company announced in a blog post that it is joining Meta, viewing the acquisition as the next step in its vision for modern computing.

What if desktop computers were inherently multiplayer? What if the operating system placed people on equal footing to apps? Those were the questions we explored in building Multi, and before that, Remotion.

Recently, we’ve been increasingly asking ourselves how we should work with computers. Not on or using computers, but truly with computers. With AI. We believe it’s one of the most important product questions of our time.

And so, we’re beyond excited to share that Multi is joining OpenAI!

The announcement includes bad news for existing customers, with Multi sunsetting next month.

Unfortunately, this means we’re sunsetting Multi. We’ve closed new team signups, and currently active teams will be able to use the app until July 24, 2024, after which we’ll delete all user data. If you need help or more time finding a replacement, email We’re happy to suggest alternatives depending on what exactly you loved about Multi, and we can also grant extensions on a case by case basis.

There is no word from OpenAI or Meta on exactly how the latter’s products will be used by the AI firm, nor was the cost of the deal disclosed.

from WebProNews

EU Rules Against Apple In App Store Review, Widens Investigation

The EU Commission has informed Apple that it has preliminarily ruled against the company, finding its App Store rules violation the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

The EU has been investigating whether Apple was complying with the DMA in regard to its rules allowing developers to bypass the App Store and direct customers to alternative payment methods. Developers and critics said Apple was not doing enough to comply, and was making it difficult for developers to take advantage of the options guaranteed by the DMA.

The EU has released its preliminary findings and found that Apple is not in compliance. There are three things in particular Apple is doing that violates the DMA:

  • None of these business terms allow developers to freely steer their customers. For example, developers cannot provide pricing information within the app or communicate in any other way with their customers to promote offers available on alternative distribution channels.
  • Under most of the business terms available to app developers, Apple allows steering only through “link-outs”, i.e., app developers can include a link in their app that redirects the customer to a web page where the customer can conclude a contract. The link-out process is subject to several restrictions imposed by Apple that prevent app developers from communicating, promoting offers and concluding contracts through the distribution channel of their choice.
  • Whilst Apple can receive a fee for facilitating via the AppStore the initial acquisition of a new customer by developers, the fees charged by Apple go beyond what is strictly necessary for such remuneration. For example, Apple charges developers a fee for every purchase of digital goods or services a user makes within seven days after a link-out from the app.

Apple now has the opportunity to mount a defense. If the Commission’s charge is proven, however, it would formerly “adopt a non-compliance decision,” which could result in substantial fines for the iPhone maker.

In addition to the preliminary ruling, the Commission opened a new non-compliance investigation into Apple’s terms for allowing developers to access new features that should be protected and guaranteed by the DMA. Again, the Commission is focused on three particular terms Apple is imposing:

  • Apple’s Core Technology Fee, under which developers of third-party app stores and third-party apps must pay a €0.50 fee per installed app. The Commission will investigate whether Apple has demonstrated that the fee structure that it has imposed, as part of the new business terms, and in particular the Core Technology Fee, effectively complies with the DMA.
  • Apple’s multi-step user journey to download and install alternative app stores or apps on iPhones. The Commission will investigate whether the steps that a user has to undertake to successfully complete the download and installation of alternative app stores or apps, as well as the various information screens displayed by Apple to the user, comply with the DMA.
  • The eligibility requirements for developers related to the ability to offer alternative app stores or directly distribute apps from the web on iPhones. The Commission will investigate whether these requirements, such as the ‘membership of good standing’ in the Apple Developer Program, that app developers have to meet in order to be able to benefit from alternative distribution provided for in the DMA comply with the DMA.

EU officials emphasized the importance of the ruling in the context of DMA enforcement.

“Today is a very important day for the effective enforcement of the DMA: we have sent preliminary findings to Apple. Our preliminary position is that Apple does not fully allow steering,” said Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President in charge of competition policy. “Steering is key to ensure that app developers are less dependent on gatekeepers’ app stores and for consumers to be aware of better offers. We have also opened proceedings against Apple in relation to its so-called core technology fee and various rules for allowing third party app stores and sideloading. The developers’ community and consumers are eager to offer alternatives to the App Store. We will investigate to ensure Apple does not undermine these efforts.”

“Apple’s new slogan should be “act different,” added Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market. “Today we take further steps to ensure Apple complies with the DMA rules. We have reason to believe that the AppStore rules not allowing app developers to communicate freely with their own users is in breach of the DMA. We are also opening a new case in relation to Apple’s new business terms for iOS. Without prejudice to Apple’s right of defence, we are determined to use the clear and effective DMA toolbox to finally open real opportunities for innovators and for consumers.”

The EU Commission is sending a clear message that it will hold companies to the DMA and not tolerate efforts to minimize the legislation’s impact, or circumvent its application.

from WebProNews

Red Hat Moves One Step Closer to In-Vehicle Linux Systems

Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System took a major step forward with a functional safety assessment, as well as certification for a critical Linux math library.

Red Hat announced its Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System in 2022, collaborating with General Motors to bring Linux to vehicles at the edge. Red Hat outlined the benefits of Linux in vehicles at the time:

Adopting open source software in lieu of proprietary operating systems can introduce an avenue for establishing common standards and fosters an ecosystem of Linux-savvy automotive developers. By utilizing open source software, the automotive industry can help alleviate many of these issues and as a result, modernize their strategies while meeting customers’ present-day needs.

According to the company, its efforts have crossed a major milestone with math library glibc achieving ISO 26262 ASIL-B functional safety certification from exida.

In collaboration with exida, Red Hat has developed and validated a novel approach to meet the process objectives of many functional safety standards including ISO 26262, overcoming the challenges associated with complex, pre-existing open source software like Linux. This certification demonstrates that the engineering of the math library components individually and as a whole meet or exceed stringent functional safety standards, ensuring substantial reliability and performance for the automotive industry. The certification of the math library is a significant milestone that strengthens the confidence in Linux as a viable platform of choice for safety related automotive applications of the future.

“Red Hat’s collaboration with exida exemplifies the automotive industry’s growing demand for a reimagined, software-centric driving experience that meets the stringent standards of reliability and safety,” said Francis Chow, vice president and general manager, In-Vehicle Operating System and Edge, Red Hat. “Today, we proudly present tangible proof that our innovative approach to delivering a functionally safe certified Linux operating system is effective. Red Hat remains steadfast in its commitment to offering the automotive industry the freedom and flexibility provided by open, SDV-ready solutions. This empowers organizations to choose the best-in-class solutions for their unique needs across every layer of their technology stack.”

“Red Hat is an undisputed leader in open source technologies with unparalleled expertise in Linux and the development, deployment and maintenance of complex software at scale. Since the inception of our collaboration, Red Hat has brought a unique and comprehensive approach that integrates modern software development practices while paving the way for the widespread adoption of open source solutions in automotive safety applications,” added Jonathan Moore, director, advanced systems, exida LLC.. “Their focus on ensuring the safety of both individual components and the operating system as a whole is crucial. This latest achievement brings them even closer to realizing the first continuously-certified in-vehicle Linux– Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System. Their open source first approach to the organization, culture and thought process is an exemplary superset of what exida regards as a best practice for world-class safety culture. Contrary to many who believe open source is incompatible with safety, exida has found that Red Hat is dedicated to working towards goals aligned to functional safety in ways that benefit everyone.”

from WebProNews

Apple and Meta In Talks Regarding AI Partnership

Apple and Meta are reportedly discussing the possibility of incorporating Meta’s AI models into Apple Intelligence (A.I.).

Apple unviled its A.I. at WWDC, using a combination of on-device models, Apple’s Private Cloud Compute, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Despite forming a partnership with OpenAI to give Apple users access to ChatGPT, Apple has left the door open to working with other AI firms.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple is in talks with Meta to incorporate its models into A.I. Just like its deal with OpenAI, the companies are discussing a deal in which neither pays the other. Instead, Apple would benefit from the incorporation of another AI model, while Meta would benefit from Apple’s network of devices and potential to sell premium subscriptions to users.

The outlet reports that Apple has also held discussions with Anthropic and Perplexity. If multiple partners are signed, Apple could allow its customers to use the external AI model of their choice, in addition to its own home-grown model.

Apple is in a unique position in the AI field, benefiting from its large user base and focus on providing the best possible experience. The company can leverage its user base to ink favorable deals while providing its users with services that offer a tangible benefit, all without the gargantuan cost that dedicated AI firms are shouldering.

As we pointed out in our coverage of Apple’s A.I. announcement, the company is doing what it does best in its approach, showing users tangible use cases for AI and the ways it can make things easier.

from WebProNews

Sunday 23 June 2024

NASA Delays Boeing Starliner’s Return to Earth

NASA announced it is delaying Boeing Starliner’s return to earth to further study “small helium system leaks and thruster performance.”

Starliner experienced issue on its flight to the International Space Station (ISS). The craft experienced two helium leaks, and some of its thruster unexpectedly went offline. In view of the issues, NASA and Boeing have decided to delay the craft’s return to Earth, originally scheduled for June 26, until the data can be reviewed.

“We are taking our time and following our standard mission management team process,” said Steve Stich, manager of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. “We are letting the data drive our decision making relative to managing the small helium system leaks and thruster performance we observed during rendezvous and docking. Additionally, given the duration of the mission, it is appropriate for us to complete an agency-level review, similar to what was done ahead of the NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 return after two months on orbit, to document the agency’s formal acceptance on proceeding as planned.”

The agency says that mission managers are looking return dates after two planned ISS spacewalks on June 24 and July 2. As a result, Starliner will not return until at least some time in July.

“Starliner is performing well in orbit while docked to the space station,” said Stich. “We are strategically using the extra time to clear a path for some critical station activities while completing readiness for Butch and Suni’s return on Starliner and gaining valuable insight into the system upgrades we will want to make for post-certification missions.”

“The crew’s feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and they know that every bit of learning we do on the Crew Flight Test will improve and sharpen our experience for future crews,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager, Boeing’s Starliner Program.

The delayed return is the latest in a raft of issues that have plagued Boeing’s Starliner. Starliner’s manned flight was scrubbed repeatedly due to issues, leading to questions about the program’s viability, especially in comparison to SpaceX.

from WebProNews

Amazon Accused of Retaliating Against Protesting Employees

Amazon is once again in the spotlight for questionable labor practices, this time accused of retaliating against employees protesting the company’s RTO efforts.

Amazon has stirred controversy among its employees with its insistence they return to the office. To make matters worse, executives have failed to point to verifiable data on the benefits of an RTO, instead saying the decision was a “judgment call” or “serendipity.”.

In response to the company’s ongoing RTO efforts, as well as layoffs, employees at the company’s headquarters planned a walkout for May 31. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has now accused the company of retaliating against those employees. The NLRB says Amazon “interrogated its employees regarding their protected, concerted activity.”

Read More: Amazon Exec Angers Staff By Admitting He Had ‘No Data’ to Support RTO Mandates

The NLRB says one of the employees that organized the walkout was placed on PIVOT, the company’s performance improvement plan, before being offered a severance package.

THe NLRB concluded that Amazon “as been interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in § 8(a)(1) of the [National Labor Relations] Act.”

Amazon has a long history of anti-union and anti-organizing activities. A judge ruled in May that CEO Andy Jassy went too far when he made anti-union comments in interviews. Similarly, in late 2022, another judge ordered the company to stop its anti-union activities. The company has gone so far as to hire Pinkerton detectives to dissuade unionization efforts and disturbed investors with its activities enough for them to call on the company to stop pressuring workers.

The NLRB’s latest ruling merely adds to Amazon’s growing labor issues.

from WebProNews

Stability AI Gets a New CEO and a Cash Injection

Stability AI has appointed a new CEO and received a much-needed cash injection as the AI firm struggles in a competitive industry.

According to The Information, Stability has appointed Prem Akkaraju to the role, following the resignation of Emad Mostaque in March. In addition to taking on the role of CEO, Akkaraju joins a group of investors that includes former Facebook President Sean Parker in injecting much-needed cash into the company.

Mostaque resigned unexpectedly in March to focus on decentralized AI development, saying: “Not going to beat centralized AI with more centralized AI.”

As The Information points out, the fresh investment will likely result in existing investors’ stakes shrinking.

Interestingly, as of the time of writing, Akkaraju’s LinkedIn profile still shows him as CEO of Weta Digital.

from WebProNews

4 Ways Fleet Maintenance Software Can Help Businesses

In business, sometimes you have to spend money to make money. It’s about making investments that’ll positively impact the corporate bottom line.

One investment to consider if your business operates a fleet of vehicles is fleet maintenance software. Leveraging the features of such solutions, your company can keep cars in tip-top shape so they stay on the road more often and at the mechanic shop less.

According to Fact.MR, the fleet maintenance software segment is on pace to expand at a 9.2% compound annual growth rate from 2022 to 2032. It adds that the market could be worth almost $30.9 billion by the end of the forecast period.

If your business has a fleet but doesn’t have a fleet maintenance system, keep reading to learn about four things you’re missing out on.

1. Reduce Vehicle Maintenance Expenses

Fleet maintenance software will help your business reduce car maintenance costs. The application will send reminders about upcoming maintenance needs, so vehicle maintenance matters won’t fall between the cracks. Failing to maintain vehicles at proper intervals will increase risks of efficiency- and productivity-destroying downtime. And any business knows that unplanned downtime can lead to losses and even cause reputational harm. 

A fleet maintenance application will help you prevent missing out on maintenance that may — if left undone — lead to breakdowns and more costly fixes down the road. It’s the sort of investment that can save you money by keeping your vehicle assets in good shape.

2. Increase Customer Satisfaction

When your company’s fleet of vehicles is in good shape, customers won’t have to face delays in getting their orders. Consumers won’t continue patronizing businesses that let them down. And there’s only so much they’ll tolerate, even if you’re upfront about any problems with deliveries.

If your vehicles are in shoddy shape and regularly need to be rushed to a mechanic, customer satisfaction levels could tank. Customers need to trust that you can deliver what they want on time. They won’t continue buying from businesses that can’t honor their service guarantees. Don’t underestimate the importance of customer satisfaction. It can make or break your company. 

3. Ensure Vehicles Are Safer

Maintaining your fleet will ensure the cars, trucks, vans, and other vehicles your business owns are safe for the drivers. It’s essential that your drivers operate vehicles that are in a good state of repair — so, you can’t allow upkeep to go undone. Fleet maintenance software is a good way to stay on top of maintenance and repairs that will ensure vehicles operate at peak efficiency. It’s about keeping drivers safe while they go about business for your company.

4. Get More Out of Your Vehicle Investments

Well-maintained vehicles will last longer than poorly-maintained vehicles. With a fleet maintenance application, you can increase the longevity of your vehicles. 

Vital maintenance won’t fall between the cracks and cause more expensive issues. You can squeeze as much use out of all your business assets — and that includes vehicles. Whether the work is done by your staff or a mechanic, you can be proactive with fleet maintenance software.

The global chip crisis, a byproduct of the COVID-19 pandemic, has affected the automotive industry. While shortages aren’t as bad as when the crisis started in 2020, it’s not over yet. Because of the shortage of chips needed to manufacture vehicles, prices for new cars are higher than they were before the pandemic unfolded. In fact, even used cars cost more these days. That’s why your business should do everything it can to extend the lifecycle of fleet vehicles.

If your business owns vehicles, consider the benefits of fleet maintenance software. It’s an investment that will protect your business interests — the vehicular assets. 

from WebProNews

Friday 21 June 2024

Spotify Introduces Basic Plan Sans Audiobooks

Just weeks after raising prices for the second time in roughly a year, Spotify has announced a cheaper basic plan without audiobook listening time.

The company made the announcement on its website:

On Spotify, users discover and enjoy music, podcasts, and audiobooks, with various plans that meet our listeners’ needs. We offer subscriptions for every stage of life and household, depending on how listeners like to stream. And we’re now offering even more options for eligible U.S. subscribers, who can choose one of the plans below.


  • Enjoy the music streaming benefits of your Premium plan without the monthly audiobook listening time. Starting at $10.99/month for eligible users.

At $10.99, the Basic plan is just $1 less than the Premium Individual, at $11.99. While not a big difference, it’s still nice that users can choose not to pay for a feature they may not use.

from WebProNews

T-Mobile’s Home Internet Address Verification Plans Are Back On Track

T-Mobile is moving forward with plans to verify Home Internet users’ addresses to ensure the service is used in areas that have the proper coverage.

T-Mobile announced plans in April to crack down on users that were using Home Internet outside of approved coverage areas. While the service will often work in areas the company doesn’t officially support, using it in such areas can overload the network and result in poor performance.

Despite the company’s plans to implement address verification months ago, the company reportedly held up until it could implement a new Away plan, according to The Mobile Report.

It’s still unclear exactly how T-Mobile’s location verification will work, but users that are outside of coverage will need to cancel their service or switch to the Away plan, designed for people on-the-go.

from WebProNews

Amazon Eliminating Plastic Air Pillows From Packaging

Amazon announced it has achieved a major milestone, eliminating 95% of the plastic air pillows in its packaging in favor of paper filler.

Amazon has been working to improve its environmental impact. Given the number of packages Amazon ships, eliminating plastic filler materials can make a big difference in the company’s efforts. The company says it has already eliminated 95% of plastic air pillows, and is on target for full removal by the end of 2024.

We’re constantly inventing and thinking big to make our packaging small. We want to ensure that customers receive their items undamaged, while using as little packaging as possible to avoid waste, and prioritizing recyclable materials.

The removal of 95% of our plastic air pillows is another step in our path to avoid and reduce packaging—and part of our multi-year effort to remove plastic delivery packaging from North America fulfillment centers. To date, this will be Amazon’s largest plastic packaging reduction effort in North America and will avoid nearly 15 billion plastic air pillows annually. For Prime Day this year, nearly all of our customer deliveries will not contain plastic air pillows.

“I’m proud of the cross-Amazon collaboration to make a positive impact on the customer delivery experience with easier to recycle materials. It’s a great example of how we thoughtfully test and scale new solutions to protect our customer experience,” said Pat Lindner, VP of Mechatronics and Sustainable Packaging. “We are working towards full removal in North America by end of year and will continue to innovate, test, and scale in order to prioritize curbside recyclable materials.”

The company says it is also working to invent new materials and recycling solutions.

We’re also working to invent new materials and recycling solutions that keep both our customers and the environment in mind. For example, Amazon has teamed up with the U.S. Department of Energy to bring new materials and recycling programs to life. We’re also piloting new technology with Glacier, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics company, to use AI-powered robots to automate the sorting of recyclables and collect real-time data on recycling streams for companies—which can help reduce landfill waste and increase the use of recycled materials in packaging.

The announcement is good news for climate activists and consumers alike, especially given the sheer volume of plastic Amazon previously used.

from WebProNews

Start a Business in Dubai. Examples of Successes

Many potential investors are now looking overseas to start their very own business. In a way, some countries offer opportunities that can’t be found anywhere else. Dubai is an expansive city full of incredible ventures. You can set up a new business with ease thanks to its myriad of resources to choose from. You can find a rent a car Dubai service with luxury cars or a tech repair shop for the latest phones. You can provide whatever kind of service or product you want so long as you have the determination. We can talk about some successful examples as well as how to get started.

How to get started

When first starting, try to plan as much as you can before arriving in Dubai. There are loads of aspects you can research before finalizing the idea. Here is a checklist of what to do: 

  • Research a potential product/service
  • Look into the target market for such a service. 
  • Write up your business plan and decide on a name. 
  • Finance your business through either a loan or self-funding. 
  • Network and make contacts to support your business. 
  • Find a suitable location to set up. 

Many of these can be researched beforehand. Once you arrive in Dubai, you can then implement them more practically. This includes finding an appropriate bank to take a loan from or finding an empty lot to set up a shop. Dubai is full of other businesses willing to make connections. Depending on what type of business you are doing, you can begin networking with them to help you out. 

The more you have sorted before landing, the less work there will be to do while you are there. You may even have a business that has combined accommodation, giving you somewhere to live as well as starting up. 

Example 1: Construction Sector

Dubai is a city that never stops changing. It is always building new infrastructures to help more businesses flourish. If you wish to help the city grow, the construction sectors have seen massive accomplishments. So long as you have the knowledge and experience needed, you can set up new projects across the city. You can even set up a business to help provide the materials needed for such projects. This includes providing bricks, cement, metals, and more. You can organize contractors and workers to offer help in building new projects. 

Example 2: Tourism

Dubai is one of the most popular destinations in the world for tourists. There are many activities and beautiful sights to see. There will always be a target market for providing tourism services and travel options. Thankfully, there are many ways to provide such services. Tour guides are common, and you can find them anywhere along the main city areas. 

There are also offices that can offer guides to the city as well as directions to popular activities. Some unique services can also be provided, such as bus tours, skyscraper hunts, shopping destinations, and so much more. If you can provide something new, this will benefit Dubai as a whole. 

Example 3: Car Rentals

Dubai has the biggest automobile market in the world. Car rentals are common, providing vehicles for people to travel with whilst they visit. If you wish to start your own car rental service, it can be difficult to face such varied competition. The best way to provide this service is to choose vehicles that can support multiple types of visitors. This includes families, couples, business travelers, and more. The cars themselves must be convenient, easy to handle, as well as offering a sense of luxury. You could provide cars that visitors would never be able to normally drive on their budget.

Adapting is Key

A last bit of advice is to make sure you are prepared for most outcomes. Expect to make a loss every now and then, as this is similar for most businesses that start out. Be prepared for competition being intimidating, as it can be hard to set yourself apart from others. Be sure to have some finances left as a backup in case money troubles could be around the corner. Don’t spend too much endlessly just to keep the business afloat. Take your time, plan accordingly, and Dubai will be thankful for another entrepreneur.

from WebProNews

Thursday 20 June 2024

People Don’t Want AI-Produced News

According to the latest research, the majority of users don’t want news that is produced by AI, preferring old-fashioned human-reported news.

Multiple outlets have been laying off news personnel in favor of AI, or augmenting their efforts with AI tools. Unfortunately, the vast majority of consumers are not sold on the idea of receiving their news from AI.

Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism published its Digital News Report 2024, and found that only 23% of Americans were comfortable with news that was produced mostly by AI. Similarly, only 18% of UK respondents were comfortable, and 26% of those in Mexico.

Respondents from Mexico had the biggest percentage of those who had no preference at 38%, but in the UK and US that number was a mere 18%. 63% of UK and 52% of US respondents were uncomfortable with news produced mostly by AI, while that number was only 27% in Mexico.

“If it was disclosed to me that this was produced by an AI [I] will probably go, ‘Okay, well, then I’ll just not read that,’” said one 40 year-old UK male.

One of the leading concerns among consumers was the propensity for AI to hallucinate or make mistakes.

“It is very important that there is human supervision,” said one 28 year-old male in Mexico. “I trust a human more, because we have the ability to analyse and discern, while AI is not sensitive, it has errors, it does not know how to decide what to do … it does not have a moral compass.”

That doesn’t mean that consumers are completely opposed to the use of AI, but they seem to prefer it being used in the background.

Our findings show audiences are most open to AI uses that are behind the scenes and areas where AI can help improve their experiences using news, providing more personalised and accessible information. They are less comfortable when it comes to public-facing content, sensitive or important topics, and synthetic videos or images that may come across as real, and where the consequences of error are viewed as most consequential. Overall, there is consensus that a human should always be in the loop and complete automation should be off limits.

The findings should serve as a caution for those companies and newsrooms that are rushing to replace human journalists and writers with AI.

from WebProNews

EU Postpones Vote On Chat Surveillance Legislation

The EU has delayed a vote on legislation that would have resulted in mass surveillance of all messaging platforms, including those with end-to-end encryption (E2EE).

The EU has been under growing scrutiny and criticism over its efforts to force messaging platforms to include client-side scanning, effectively bypassing E2EE. Signal President Meredith Whittaker recently slammed the bloc for playing “rhetorical games” in its efforts to pass the legislation.

Patrick Breyer–former MP for the German and the European Pirate Party—celebrated the delay as a major win for privacy proponents.

Today EU governments will not adopt their position on the EU regulation on “combating child sexual abuse”, the so-called chat control regulation, as planned, which would have heralded the end of private messages and secure encryption. The Belgian Council presidency postponed the vote at short notice. Once again the chat control proposal fails in Council.

“Without the commitment and resistance of countless individuals and organizations in Europe, the EU governments would have decided today in favour of totalitarian indiscriminate chat control , burying the digital privacy of correspondence and secure encryption,” said Breyer. “A big thanks to all who have contacted politicians and spoken out in the past few days. The fact that we have prevented the orwellian chat control for the time being should be celebrated!”

In order to pass, the legislation needed at least 15 member countries to back it. Germany, however, has emerged as a strong opponent of the legislation, having experienced first-hand the downsides of mass surveillance during the Cold War. Germany has been joined by Austria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Proponents of the legislation claim it will help fight child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and that any loss of privacy from breaking E2EE is worth it. Privacy advocates, security researchers, and even law enforcement officials have said such legislation would have limited success, if any, and would endanger far more people than it would protect.

from WebProNews

Biden Administration Poised to Ban Kaspersky Products

The Biden administration is reportedly poised to ban Kaspersky Lab’s security software given the company’s ties to the Kremlin.

Kaspersky is a popular maker of antivirus and security software, but the company is based in Russia. According to Reuters, officials are concerned by how widely used Kaspersky’s products are, including by organizations classified as critical infrastructure providers. The company’s software is also used by state and local governments.

Accusations of close ties between Kaspersky and the Russian government have been growing in recent months. According to CNET, there have been some reports that indicate the company is actively working with the FSB, while others claim that Russian intelligence has hacked the company’s products for its own benefit. Either way, officials are increasingly concerned that Kaspersky’s products represent a growing threat to national security.

“The case against Kaspersky Lab is overwhelming,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen. “The strong ties between Kaspersky Lab and the Kremlin are alarming and well-documented.”

Given the popularity of Kaspersky’s products, a ban on its software will likely have significant repercussions for organizations and government entities alike.

from WebProNews

Anthropic Releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Says It Beats GPT-4o

Anthropic announced the release of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the latest version of its AI model, and says it beats GPT-4o in seven of nine tests.

Anthropic is OpenAI’s main competitor and was founded by former OpenAI executives who disagreed with the direction the company was going. In particular, Anthropic has emphasized a greater focus on safe AI development.

The Claude AI model has already demonstrated some impressive results, beating ChatGPT in the crowdsourced Chatbot Arena in March, as well as giving evidence it understands when it is being tested.

The company says the new Claude 3.5 sets the bar even higher.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet sets new industry benchmarks for graduate-level reasoning (GPQA), undergraduate-level knowledge (MMLU), and coding proficiency (HumanEval). It shows marked improvement in grasping nuance, humor, and complex instructions, and is exceptional at writing high-quality content with a natural, relatable tone.

One of the benefits of the new model is increased speed, operating twice as fast as its predecessor. The model’s problem solving also takes a major leap forward.

In an internal agentic coding evaluation, Claude 3.5 Sonnet solved 64% of problems, outperforming Claude 3 Opus which solved 38%. Our evaluation tests the model’s ability to fix a bug or add functionality to an open source codebase, given a natural language description of the desired improvement. When instructed and provided with the relevant tools, Claude 3.5 Sonnet can independently write, edit, and execute code with sophisticated reasoning and troubleshooting capabilities. It handles code translations with ease, making it particularly effective for updating legacy applications and migrating codebases.

Anthropic emphasized its commitment to safety, engaging outside experts to help ensure Claude has the appropriate safety mechanisms in place.

As part of our commitment to safety and transparency, we’ve engaged with external experts to test and refine the safety mechanisms within this latest model. We recently provided Claude 3.5 Sonnet to the UK’s Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute (UK AISI) for pre-deployment safety evaluation. The UK AISI completed tests of 3.5 Sonnet and shared their results with the US AI Safety Institute (US AISI) as part of a Memorandum of Understanding, made possible by the partnership between the US and UK AISIs announced earlier this year.

Anthropic’s approach to safety stands in stark contrast to OpenAI, which recently dissolved the team that was responsible for ensuring AI could not pose an existential threat to humanity, and has lost a number of executives and researchers, with some of them citing grave concerns over the company’s approach to safety. Interestingly, one of the departing executives who was most vocal about OpenAI’s lack of appropriate safety measures recently joined Anthropic.

Anthropic is proving that leading-edge AI development can still be done in a safe and responsible manner.

from WebProNews

Wednesday 19 June 2024

SUSE Wants to Democratize Generative AI With SUSE AI

SUSE—one of the leaders in the Linux community—announced its new SUSE AI, designed to utilize open source principles and democratize generative AI.

Companies large and small are rushing to deploy generative AI models, but many are concerned by the fact that the leading models are closed-source and controlled by corporations. From a practical standpoint, integrating different AI models can also pose a challenge for multi-platform organizations.

SUSE wants to change that with its SUSE AI:

SUSE is bringing AI sovereignty to enterprises by coupling open source principles with security and privacy – fostering collaboration and providing choice. Our AI strategy is focused on providing an open, enterprise-ready GenAI platform that offers security, privacy and control.

SUSE AI is a modular, secure, vendor and LLM-agnostic GenAI solution that helps dissolve silos and reduces costs associated with enterprise generative AI implementations – built on SUSE’s industry-leading open source, cloud-native Linux, Kubernetes, and container security offerings.

The company says SUSE AI is available in early access:

The SUSE AI Early Access Program is a collaborative engagement between SUSE and organizations to implement a private generative AI solution, and includes a proof-of-concept.

SUSE has a long history in the Linux community and is one of the leading enterprise Linux distros in Europe. The company’s products compete favorably against Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu, but is less well-known in the US, despite having some of the best-engineered Linux products on the market.

In recent months, SUSE has been working to increase its footprint, joining with Oracle and CIQ to form the Open Enterprise Linux Association in the wake of Red Hat’s licensing changes. The company also forked Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) over the same licensing issues to provide customers a migration path from RHEL to SUSE.

With the announcement of SUSE AI, SUSE is once again looking for an opportunity to differentiate itself and expand its reach.

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Navigating the Latest Trends in Business Communication

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying abreast of the latest trends in business communication is essential for maintaining a competitive edge and fostering effective collaboration within organizations. From advancements in technology to changes in consumer behavior and workplace dynamics, the realm of business communication is constantly evolving. This article explores the latest trends shaping the field of business communication and offers insights into how organizations can navigate and leverage these trends to enhance productivity, foster innovation, and drive success.

Embracing Digital Transformation

Integration of Unified Communication Tools

With the increasing prevalence of remote and distributed teams, organizations are turning to unified communication tools to streamline collaboration and communication across different channels and devices. These tools integrate various communication channels such as voice, video, messaging, and email into a single platform, enabling seamless communication and collaboration regardless of location. By adopting unified communication tools, organizations can improve efficiency, reduce communication silos, and enhance team collaboration.

Transition to Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud-based communication solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, making them an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. digital tools and platforms, like many organizations, benefits from these advantages. Cloud-based communication platforms provide the ability to access communication tools and resources from anywhere, at any time, using any device with an internet connection. This flexibility allows for greater agility and responsiveness, enabling Adapt quickly to changing business needs and market dynamics.  

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Automation

AI-powered chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionizing organizations’ customer service and internal communication. These intelligent systems use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to understand and respond to user queries in real time. Chatbots can handle routine inquiries, provide personalized assistance, and streamline communication workflows, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. Organizations can improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and reduce operational costs by leveraging AI-powered chatbots.

Automation of Routine Tasks

Automation technology is transforming business communication by automating routine tasks and processes, such as email marketing, scheduling meetings, and managing customer inquiries. Automated communication workflows can help organizations streamline operations, eliminate manual errors, and improve productivity. By automating repetitive tasks, employees can focus on more strategic initiatives that require human creativity and problem-solving skills, driving innovation and value creation within the organization.

Embracing Remote and Hybrid Work Environments

Remote Work Collaboration Tools

The shift towards remote and hybrid work environments has accelerated the adoption of collaboration tools that facilitate virtual communication and teamwork. Video conferencing platforms, project management software, and team collaboration tools have become indispensable for remote teams to stay connected, coordinate projects, and collaborate effectively. These tools enable virtual meetings, file sharing, task management, and real-time communication, allowing teams to collaborate seamlessly regardless of physical location.

Cultivating a Culture of Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication becomes even more critical for maintaining team cohesion and fostering a sense of belonging in remote and hybrid work environments. Organizations must prioritize communication and collaboration by establishing clear communication channels, setting expectations for remote work etiquette, and providing support and resources for virtual team building and collaboration. Cultivating a culture of communication and collaboration helps remote teams stay connected, engaged, and aligned with organizational goals.

Enhancing Customer Engagement and Experience

Personalized and Omnichannel Communication

In today’s digital age, customers expect personalized and seamless communication experiences across multiple channels and touchpoints. Organizations are leveraging data analytics and customer relationship management (CRM) systems to gather insights into customer preferences, behavior, and interactions. By delivering personalized and targeted communication across email, social media, chat, and other channels, organizations can enhance customer engagement, build brand loyalty, and drive business growth.

Interactive and Multimedia Content

Interactive and multimedia content formats, such as videos, infographics, and interactive presentations, are becoming increasingly popular for engaging customers and conveying complex information in a visually compelling manner. Organizations are incorporating interactive elements into their communication strategies to capture audience attention, increase retention, and drive action. By leveraging interactive and multimedia content, organizations can create memorable and impactful communication experiences that resonate with their target audience.

Adapting to Changing Regulatory and Compliance Landscape

Data Privacy and Security Regulations

In an era of increasing data privacy concerns and regulatory scrutiny, organizations must prioritize compliance with data privacy and security regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Compliance with these regulations requires organizations to implement robust data protection measures, obtain consent for data collection and processing, and ensure transparency and accountability in their communication practices. By adhering to data privacy and security regulations, organizations can build trust with customers and mitigate the risk of costly fines and penalties.

Ethical and Responsible Communication Practices

In addition to regulatory compliance, organizations must uphold ethical and responsible communication practices in their interactions with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. This includes being transparent and honest in communication, respecting individual privacy rights, and avoiding deceptive or misleading messaging. By practicing ethical and responsible communication, organizations can build trust, credibility, and goodwill with their audience, ultimately enhancing their reputation and long-term success.

To Wrap Up

In conclusion, navigating the latest trends in business communication requires organizations to embrace digital transformation, leverage artificial intelligence and automation, adapt to remote and hybrid work environments, enhance customer engagement and experience, and comply with changing regulatory and compliance requirements. By staying abreast of emerging trends and leveraging innovative communication technologies and strategies, organizations can foster effective collaboration, drive customer engagement, and achieve their business objectives in today’s dynamic and interconnected business landscape.

from WebProNews

Nvidia Is Now the World’s Most Valuable Company

Nvidia is now the world’s most valuable company, passing Microsoft at the end of trading Tuesday when its stock hit $135.58 per share.

Microsoft was the world’s most valuable company, with Nvidia in second-place after it passed Apple in early June. According to The Verge, Nvidia’s closed Tuesday with a market cap of $3.335 trillion, besting Microsoft’s $3.32 trillion.

The milestone is a testament to how important Nvidia has become, with the company’s GPUs powering AI models for companies across the industry.

from WebProNews

Tuesday 18 June 2024

BBB Advises T-Mobile Should Stop Using ‘Price Lock’ Claim

The BBB’s National Advertising Division (NAD)has recommended T-Mobile stop using “Price Lock” in its advertising for 5G Home Internet or clarify what it means.

T-Mobile has made a big deal of its “Price Lock” guarantee. The only problem is, the company has recently raised prices, including on plans it had previously guaranteed it would never raise prices on. AT&T challenged T-Mobile’s advertising and the NAD agreed.

The NAD made note of how pervasive T-Mobile’s use of “Price Lock” is in the company’s advertising.

The challenged “Price Lock” claim appeared in print, online, and television advertising, including in a television commercial featuring actors Zach Braff, Donald Faison, and Jason Momoa performing a humorous musical number promoting the beneficial features of T-Mobile’s internet service.

The NAD then recommended that the magenta carrier stop using the term, or clarify what it actually means.

In each of the challenged advertisements, the description of the “Price Lock” policy appears in text below the claim and states, with some variation, “Get your last month of service on us if we ever raise your internet rate.” NAD found that a disclosure that “Price Lock” does not lock the price but gives consumers one month of free service if certain conditions are met contradicts the main message of the “Price Lock” claim.

To avoid conveying a misleading message, NAD recommended that T-Mobile discontinue the “Price Lock” claim or modify it to explain, as part of the main claim, that “Price Lock” is a policy that promises customers a free month of home internet service if T-Mobile raises the monthly price and the consumer promptly notifies T-Mobile that they are cancelling their service.

T-Mobile disagreed with the decision but said it would abide by it.

from WebProNews

Android iMessage Client Sunbird Is Expanding Beta Access

Sunbird, the messaging app that promises to deliver iMessage to Android, is once again in beta and expanding access to those on its waitlist.

Sunbird had a disastrous debut in late 2023 when Nothing partnered with the app to provide messaging to its new Nothing 2 phone. Almost immediately, keen-eyed users and security experts noticed major issues with Sunbird’s security…or lack thereof. In fact, the security issues were so bad that Nothing dropped the app and Sunbird paused its beta to completely revamp its service and infrastructure.

On the heels of that revamp, Sunbird is once again launching a beta of its app and expanding access to the individuals who joined the waitlist. Sunbird emphasizes that its approach is different than other apps—such as the ill-fated Beeper—by serving as a bridge between the Apple and Google messaging ecosystem.

Sunbird’s approach to bridging the messaging gap between Android and Apple users is rooted in security and innovation. Unlike third-party attempts that involved unauthorized access to iMessage, Sunbird’s platform provides a secure bridge for communication within Apple’s ecosystem. Since the app’s initial public announcement in November 2022, Sunbird received extensive media coverage and tens of thousands of users have communicated through iMessage via Sunbird. This media coverage and usage did not lead to third-party interference, and the company remains confident about its method of securely connecting Android and iPhone users.

What About Security?

One of the biggest concerns many users will have is whether the company has addressed the security issues that plagued its initial launch. In a blog post, the company does an in-depth postmortem and describes the issues that were discovered:

  • The use of the unencrypted HTTP protocol for an API call.
  • The storing of messages in an unencrypted state in a Firebase real-time store.
  • The possible accessibility of over 600,000 files, some of which were vCards, within the Firebase static file host.
  • The logging of messages by the front-end into a Sentry log.

The company says it made major changes following the revelations.

The discovery of vulnerabilities within the Sunbird apps was a stark reminder of our responsibilities toward user privacy and security. Following the identification of these issues and the consequent suspension of the Sunbird system, we were presented with a choice. We could have opted for a quick fix to patch these vulnerabilities, potentially allowing us to reinstate the Sunbird app on the app store within a few short weeks. However, we recognized that such an approach would not align with our core values or our unwavering commitment to the privacy and security of our users.

We decided to take the opportunity to thoroughly reevaluate both our technical implementations and our organizational processes from the foundation up. This decision was driven by our belief in the paramount importance of trust and safety in our platform. It reflects our dedication to not just resolving the immediate issues at hand but also to ensuring that we uphold the highest standards of security and privacy for our community in the long term.

Sunbird outlines both technical changes and organizational changes to ensure it provides the level of security its customers expect. On a technical note, the company says:

  • Unencrypted messages are never stored anywhere on disk or in a database. When messages are decrypted to be passed to the iMessage and RCS/Google Messages network, they exist in that state only within memory for a limited period of time. In the front-end app, messages are only stored in an encrypted state within the in-app database.
  • Static files transmitted through the service are stored in secure cloud storage buckets that are encrypted in transit and at rest. They are protected through permissioned URLs that prevent unauthorized access and are completely expunged from the Sunbird systems no later than 48 hours after sending or receiving them.
  • All communication from the Sunbird app to the Sunbird API is protected at the transport layer, either through HTTPS or the MQTTS protocol.
  • The MQTTS broker is secured via strict access control lists to ensure that users are only able to access broker topics specifically assigned to them and no others.
  • Further, the contents of the message payload itself is encrypted at the application layer using AES encryption with an encryption key controlled completely by the client and only held in memory on the Sunbird side. Messages flow through the Sunbird system in an encrypted state and are only decrypted (in memory) at the moment of transfer of messages to the native messaging platform.

On an organization level, Sunbird brought Bobby Gill of BlueLabel onboard to oversee development. Gill brings more than 20 years of hands-on development of secure enterprise and mobile software.

Even more importantly, the company has tapped “independent security consultancy, CIPHER, to perform a rigorous security analysis penetration test of the Sunbird app and backend.”

The outcome of the penetration testing was affirming; they reported no critical vulnerabilities within the Sunbird app or its backend API. In addition, they specifically attempted to recreate the architecturally present vulnerabilities previously identified in November 2023 and were unable to do so on the AV2 platform.

Is Sunbird Still Needed In View of Apple’s RCS Plans

Apple surprised the industry when it announced it would finally support RCS for iOS > Android texting, replacing the archaic SMS as a fallback option. RCS is slated to debut in iOS 18, and will bring a host of improvements, including file sharing, read receipts, group admin, and more.

Despite the good news, there is no reason to believe that RCS will be the magic bullet that solves the green vs blue bubble debate. RCS has its own problems, including an over-reliance on Google. What’s more, custom Android ROMs—such as GrapheneOS and CalyxOS—cannot use RCS. In addition, there is no reason to believe that Apple will implement RCS with same feature parity as iMessage—the company’s own solution will always provide a superior experience.

In that context, bringing iMessage to Android still stands to provide a better experience than RCS on iOS.

Should You Use Sunbird?

The million dollar question is: Should you use Sunbird? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to that question.

On the one hand, Sunbird has implemented significant changes to its platform in an effort to fully address the issues it experienced in its first preview launch. The company has also made organizational changes, not the least of which is leveraging independent testing to ensure its platform is safe.

On the other hand, the critical part of Sunbird’s description of how its service works pertains to when the message is moving from one ecosystem to the other:

Unencrypted messages are never stored anywhere on disk or in a database. When messages are decrypted to be passed to the iMessage and RCS/Google Messages network, they exist in that state only within memory for a limited period of time. In the front-end app, messages are only stored in an encrypted state within the in-app database.

As this describes, messages are briefly decrypted as they cross over, before being re-encrypted and sent on their way.

To be fair, it’s likely that Apple’s implementation of RCS won’t support end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for some time. While Google’s implementation of RCS does support E2EE, Apple obviously doesn’t want to be beholden to its main rival and rely on it for encryption. As a result, Apple has said it plans to work with the GSMA to add E2EE to the main RCS standard, but that will not be completed by the time iOS 18 is released.

As a result, Apple’s implementation of RCS on iOS will offer no better security than Sunbird’s implementation of iMessage on Android.

When deciding whether to give Sunbird a try, the dilemma boils down to one simple question: Do you trust Sunbird? If so, then give the app a try.

from WebProNews

McDonald’s Ends Contract With IBM For AI-Powered Ordering

McDonald’s has ended its automated drive-through ordering, coinciding with the company’s contract with IBM ending.

McDonald’s began testing AI-powered ordering in 2021, relying on IBM to power the technology. The company has reportedly ended its contract with IBM, also ending the AI-powered ordering.

“While there have been successes to date, we feel there is an opportunity to explore voice ordering solutions more broadly,” Mason Smoot, chief restaurant officer for McDonald’s USA, said in an email sent to franchisees that was obtained by Restaurant Business. “After a thoughtful review, McDonald’s has decided to end our current partnership with IBM on AOT and the technology will be shut off in all restaurants currently testing it no later than July 26, 2024.”

The company is continuing to hold out the possibility of a return to AI-powered ordering in the future, saying it will make “an informed decision on a future voice ordering solution by the end of the year.”

Interestingly, McDonald’s also emphasized to the outlet that its canceled contract with IBM only pertains to this specific application, and that IBM remains a “trusted partner and we will still utilize many of their products across our global system.”

“As we move forward, our work with IBM has given us the confidence that a voice-ordering solution for drive-thru will be part of our restaurants’ future,” McDonald’s said in a statement to Restaurant Business. “We see tremendous opportunity in advancing our restaurant technology and will continue to evaluate long-term, scalable solutions that will help us make an informed decision on a future voice ordering solution by the end of the year.”

IBM told Restaurant Business that it was shopping its technology to other restaurants.

“IBM developed automated order taker technologies with McDonald’s to support the emerging use of voice-activated AI in restaurant drive-thrus,” the company said. “This technology is proven to have some of the most comprehensive capabilities in the industry, fast and accurate in some of the most demanding conditions.

“While McDonald’s is reevaluating and refining its plans for AOT, we look forward to continuing to work with them on a variety of other projects.”

from WebProNews

Monday 17 June 2024

Tesla’s Bold Vision for the Future: Autonomy, Humanoid Robots, and Sustainability

Elon Musk’s recent address at the 2024 Annual Stockholder Meeting was nothing short of visionary. With characteristic enthusiasm and a touch of humor, Musk painted a vivid picture of Tesla’s ambitious roadmap. From groundbreaking advancements in autonomous driving and the transformative potential of humanoid robots to the relentless pursuit of sustainability and innovation in production, Tesla’s trajectory is set to redefine industries and everyday life.

In this article, we delve into the highlights of Musk’s presentation, exploring the technological breakthroughs that are propelling Tesla forward. We’ll examine how Tesla’s innovative spirit is tackling the challenges of scaling production and reducing costs, and we’ll take a closer look at the promising future of full self-driving cars and the Optimus robot. Join us as we unpack Musk’s bold predictions and the strategic initiatives that are positioning Tesla at the forefront of a sustainable and autonomous future.

Autonomy: A New Frontier

Musk reiterated Tesla’s commitment to solving the sustainable energy problem through electric vehicles (EVs), stationary storage, and solar energy. He highlighted the exponential progress in Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology, which he believes will soon surpass human driving capabilities. “If you plot the points on the curve of how well autonomy is progressing, it’s heading towards unsupervised full self-driving very quickly at an exponential pace,” Musk stated. He encouraged shareholders to test the latest FSD versions themselves, noting the significant improvements in miles driven without intervention.

The significance of this progress cannot be overstated. Musk explained that with each software release, Tesla’s self-driving cars are becoming safer and more reliable. “It’s very clear that we will actually go to the point where it is far safer than a person driving the car,” he emphasized. According to Musk, the autonomy features will revolutionize the transportation sector, drastically reducing accidents and making roads safer for everyone.

Furthermore, Musk discussed the broader implications of autonomous driving for the automotive industry. By transforming how cars are used and monetized, Tesla aims to create a network of self-driving vehicles that can operate efficiently and economically. “You can add or subtract your car to the fleet whenever you want,” Musk explained. “When you’re not using your car, it can make money for you while you’re gone.” This innovative model could dramatically change car ownership, making it more accessible and financially beneficial.

Musk also touched upon the readiness of Tesla’s self-driving technology for real-world application. He mentioned that many investors and industry experts still underestimate the rapid progress being made. “If you just believe the curve of autonomy’s progress, it’s headed towards unsupervised full self-driving very quickly,” he reiterated. This confidence is backed by Tesla’s continuous data collection and refinement process, which uses millions of miles of driving data to improve their AI algorithms.

Musk pointed out that Tesla’s approach to the practical rollout of autonomous features combines rigorous testing and gradual implementation. He encouraged stakeholders to monitor each software update, as the enhancements would be substantial. “With each release, you’ll see a big improvement,” he said, promising a future where Tesla vehicles will navigate complex driving scenarios with ease and precision.

The enthusiasm and ambition of Tesla shareholders in Musk’s vision for autonomous driving are palpable. As Tesla continues to take charge of this groundbreaking technology, the company is poised to reshape the future of transportation. “We are making great progress in solving the sustainable energy problem,” Musk concluded, highlighting the broader impact of Tesla’s innovations on global energy consumption and environmental sustainability.

Humanoid Robots: The Next Leap

During the meeting, Elon Musk delved into another groundbreaking venture for Tesla: developing humanoid robots, specifically the Optimus project. Musk’s vision for humanoid robots extends beyond industrial applications, envisioning a future where these robots become integral parts of daily life. “Who doesn’t want a C3PO?” he quipped, drawing laughter and applause from the audience. “I think everyone in the world is going to want one, like literally everyone.”

The Optimus robot, designed to perform various tasks, is poised to revolutionize industries and homes. Musk highlighted that Tesla’s expertise in electric motors, batteries, and AI has positioned it uniquely to succeed in this challenging field. “We’ve had to design everything from scratch—the motors, the gearboxes, the sensors, the power electronics,” he explained. “There’s basically no supply chain for the types of components needed for a humanoid robot.”

Musk projected an ambitious production scale, aiming for millions of units annually once the robots hit full-scale production. “It’s conceivable for Tesla to achieve a valuation ten times that of the most valuable company today,” he asserted, linking the future financial success of Tesla to the widespread adoption of Optimus robots. He anticipated that each household might eventually have multiple robots performing tasks from household chores to personal assistance.

The Optimus robot is undergoing significant advancements to make it a versatile and indispensable assistant. “We’re working on a major hardware revision that should be done by the end of this year or early next,” Musk revealed. “Next year, I predict we’ll have over a thousand, maybe a few thousand Optimus robots working at Tesla.” These robots are already being tested in Tesla’s Fremont factory, performing repetitive tasks and demonstrating their practical utility.

Musk’s vision includes robots that can be taught tasks through simple instructions or observing human behavior. “You’ll be able to literally talk to it and say, ‘Please do this task,’ or show it something and have it replicate that task,” he said. The integration of AI will enable these robots to learn and adapt, making them increasingly autonomous and efficient.

The potential market for humanoid robots is vast, with Musk predicting a future where the ratio of robots to humans could be greater than one-to-one. “I think there will be more than 10 billion humanoid robots in the world, probably 20 or more,” he speculated. Tesla’s Optimus project is set to lead this charge, leveraging the company’s manufacturing prowess and AI expertise to bring this ambitious vision to life.

By pioneering humanoid robotics, Tesla aims to create products that not only perform tasks but also improve quality of life. “Imagine a future where you have a humanoid robot that can do anything you need,” Musk enthused. It’s not just about the tasks it can perform, but how it can enhance our lives and provide companionship.” This leap into humanoid robotics represents another bold step for Tesla that could redefine human-machine interaction in the years to come.

Sustainability and Production

Elon Musk underscored Tesla’s unwavering commitment to sustainability and its innovative strides in production. “We’re not just making cars; we’re making a significant dent in CO2 emissions,” Musk stated. Tesla’s robust growth in renewable energy solutions, such as solar power and energy storage systems, reflects this ambition.

Tesla’s sustainability efforts extend deeply into their production processes. “Our factories are some of the most sustainable in the world,” Musk noted. “We care a lot about sustainable manufacturing. Our vehicles are water-efficient, energy-efficient, and we’re constantly working to reduce waste.” The company’s Gigafactories, designed to be highly efficient and powered by renewable energy, stand as testaments to Tesla’s commitment to an eco-friendly future. “Walking around our factories, you can see the dedication to sustainability in every aspect,” Musk added.

A significant focus of the meeting was Tesla’s advancements in battery technology. “Our batteries are lasting longer, and we’re making significant improvements in their recyclability,” Musk highlighted. This progress is crucial as Tesla ramps up the production of its electric vehicles and energy storage products. “This year, we’re on track to deploy a massive number of energy storage units,” Musk announced. “We’re seeing a two to three hundred percent year-over-year growth in energy storage deployment, which is incredible.”

Musk also spoke about the environmental benefits of Tesla’s autonomous vehicle technology. “Autonomy will have a profound impact on carbon emissions,” he said. “With self-driving cars, we’re looking at a future where vehicles are utilized more efficiently, dramatically reducing the number of cars needed and the resources required to produce them.” This shift could substantially decrease global emissions, as fewer cars on the road would mean fewer emissions overall.

In addition to vehicles, Tesla’s efforts in battery production are poised to make a significant impact. “Our 4680 battery cells, produced in-house, represent a breakthrough in cost and efficiency,” Musk explained. “We’re working towards cost parity with our suppliers by the end of the year.” These advancements are expected to lower the cost of Tesla vehicles, making them more accessible and further promoting the adoption of electric cars.

Musk’s presentation also touched on Tesla’s innovations in energy storage. “We’re deploying more Mega packs and Powerwalls than ever before,” he noted. “The Powerwall 3, in particular, is a game-changer at the personal level.” These energy storage solutions are designed to work seamlessly with Tesla’s solar products, providing customers with reliable, sustainable energy solutions.

Finally, Musk reiterated Tesla’s dedication to continuous improvement and innovation in all aspects of its business. “We aim to be the best in everything we do, from manufacturing to sustainability,” he asserted. “Our goal is to create a future where sustainability and technology go hand in hand, improving lives while protecting our planet.” As Tesla continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in both vehicle and energy production, it remains at the forefront of the transition to a sustainable future.

Challenges and Optimism

Elon Musk’s presentation at the 2024 Annual Stockholder Meeting was not without a candid discussion of Tesla’s challenges. The road to sustainable energy and autonomy is fraught with obstacles, from technical to regulatory barriers. “Innovation is not easy,” Musk acknowledged. “It’s a continuous grind that requires relentless focus and dedication.”

One of Musk’s primary challenges was scaling production, particularly with the Cybertruck and the new 4680 battery cells. “Moving from prototype to production is 100 times harder,” he said. And improving cost efficiency post-production is an even bigger challenge. It’s a grind that requires intense effort and meticulous attention to detail.” The path to reducing production costs, especially for innovative products like the Cybertruck, is steep but essential for making these technologies accessible.

Despite these challenges, Musk remains optimistic about Tesla’s future. “We are making progress at an exponential rate,” he noted. “Each new release of our full self-driving software, each advancement in our battery technology, and every step forward in our energy storage solutions brings us closer to a sustainable future.” Musk’s vision for Tesla extends beyond just vehicles; it encompasses a holistic energy and environmental sustainability approach.

Musk’s optimism is fueled by Tesla’s significant achievements and the potential he sees in future technologies. “We’re not just talking about incremental improvements; we’re talking about breakthroughs that can change the world,” he emphasized. The potential of Tesla’s autonomous vehicles and humanoid robots, like the Optimus, represents a new technological frontier that could redefine industries and everyday life.

In the conclusion of his address, Musk reiterated Tesla’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. “Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy,” he reminded the audience. “We’re on a path to make that a reality, but it’s a path that requires hard work, resilience, and a willingness to tackle the toughest challenges head-on.”

Musk also highlighted the importance of the support from Tesla’s shareholders and the broader community. “Your belief in our vision and your support is what makes all of this possible,” he said. “Together, we are building a future that is not only sustainable but also incredibly exciting. The best is yet to come.”

Looking forward, Musk’s message was clear: while the journey is challenging, the destination is worth the effort. “We are at the beginning of a new chapter,” he concluded. “This chapter will show Tesla achieved things that were once thought impossible. Stay tuned because the future is going to be amazing.”


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