Friday 5 June 2020

Germany Will Require All Fueling Stations to Offer Electric Vehicle Charging

Germany Will Require All Fueling Stations to Offer Electric Vehicle Charging

Germany has taken a significant step toward widespread adoption of electric vehicles, by requiring fueling stations to offer electric vehicle charging.

The move is part of a group of steps Germany is taking to help cut carbon emissions, including taxing owners of gas-guzzling SUVs and providing a subsidy to electric car buyers.

As Reuters points out, Germany will spend some 2.5 billion euros on charging infrastructure, as well as battery production. This should go a long way toward alleviating concerns drivers have about how easily they’ll be able to charge an electric vehicle.

“We know that 97% of the reason why they’re not buying electric cars is range anxiety,” Diego Biasi, chairman and co-founder in Quercus Real Assets told Reuters. “The German move is a way to try and fix this range anxiety since it means you know a petrol station is always open.”

Hopefully other countries will follow Germany’s example.

Germany Will Require All Fueling Stations to Offer Electric Vehicle Charging
Matt Milano

from WebProNews

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