Thursday, 14 March 2019

Pace Foods Plus Beaver Builder Equals One Hot Website

Not many workdays include picante sauce, salsa and queso, but when Campbell’s Soup Company (CSC) had a desire to standardize their web development across their consumer packaged goods brands, they came to WebDevStudios (WDS) because of our longstanding, trusted partnership.

Starting with the Pace Foods website was as natural of a choice as their thick and chunky salsa. Our approach was simple: develop a few custom modules and utilize the out-of-the-box modules to rebuild the site. For us, Beaver Builder was the solution.

Why was Beaver Builder the right choice for this project?

Since the overall goal for CSC was to standardize their web development, “Beaver Builder seemed like the perfect tool to help them deploy sites uniformly and quickly,” explains Director of Business Development, Jodie Riccelli.

Utilizing Beaver Builder ensured that across their many brands, they would start to see commonalities in the overall feel since they would be using similar modules. It also meant a streamlined approach for training and the subsequent execution of changes and maintenance on the sites.

Budget-friendly, Custom Modules, and Easy to Manage

When we first looked at the Pace Foods site as a potential rebuild, we knew we wanted to add some modern elements. With that in mind, we knew we wanted to propose a few changes, but, as with all of our clients, we needed to be respectful and mindful of the budget we were working with.

Since Beaver Builder has great core functionality, we were able to include additional custom modules and make those modern updates to the site while not exceeding the budget outlined by the client. Incorporating some custom modules gave Pace Foods some added functionality that they were expecting.

“Our brilliant engineering team created some custom Beaver Builder modules that align with the needs of CSC. The custom modules in conjunction with the ease of Beaver Builder was the foundation for the new site,” Jodie adds. For example, Pace Foods answers customer FAQs using a custom module we built, even prompting the user to let them know if that information was useful.

Sometimes when a website is rebuilt, there is a drastic noticeable change in how the website works in the backend, which isn’t always the desired outcome. How a website is managed is oftentimes as important to the client as the frontend user experience. For Pace Foods, the goal was to provide a website where their team could manage the site with ease. WDS accomplished this goal for them.

Is Beaver Builder right for you?

Beaver Builder may just be the right tool for you and your consumer packaged goods website, too, if you are looking for something to help build an easy-to-use and budget-friendly website. Although there are some limitations, especially if you are looking to incorporate custom or pre-existing functionality, we are always here to help you overcome those challenges.

So let’s get this fiesta started! Contact us today to learn more about how WDS and Beaver Builder can benefit your website.

This is a GIF animation of eight different selfie pictures showing team members from WebDevStudios eating chips and Pace Foods salsa, including Lauren Drew, the author of the blog post titled "Pace Foods Plus Beaver Builder Equals One Hot Website."

The post Pace Foods Plus Beaver Builder Equals One Hot Website appeared first on WebDevStudios.

from WebDevStudios

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