Monday 14 October 2024

Inside Yum! Brands’ Data Revolution: How CDO Cameron Davies is Transforming Customer Experiences Globally

Yum! Brands, home to renowned restaurant chains such as Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC, and Habit Burger, is the world’s largest restaurant company. With a presence in 155 countries and more than 50,000 locations, managing and optimizing customer data is critical to their ability to serve millions of customers each day. At the helm of this data-driven revolution is Cameron Davies, Chief Data Officer (CDO) at Yum! Brands, who has been instrumental in transforming the company’s approach to data. In a recent conversation, Davies shared a deep dive into the company’s evolving customer data strategy, emphasizing the role of first-party data, the importance of technology partnerships, and how the company is positioning itself for the future.

The Strategic Role of Data in Global Operations

Yum! Brands’ data strategy is not just about marketing or customer engagement—it underpins the entire operational infrastructure of the business. Davies explains, “We look at data from three fundamental perspectives: easy operations, easy experiences, and easy intelligence. The goal is to use data to simplify and improve everything from supply chain management to customer interactions.”

The concept of “easy operations” is critical for a global company like Yum! Brands. Davies elaborates that his team is responsible for helping restaurant operators make data-driven decisions on a day-to-day basis. “We’re leveraging AI and machine learning to determine everything from how much food we should order, to how fast we should cook it, and even how much we should cook in real-time,” he says. This granular use of data has significant implications for reducing waste, improving service speed, and ensuring consistency across thousands of locations worldwide.

The “easy experiences” pillar focuses on how Yum! Brands can use data to improve customer journeys. “Are we remembering your preferences? Are we getting you relevant offers that resonate with your tastes? Are we ensuring that these experiences translate when you move from a digital platform to a physical restaurant?” asks Davies. He stresses that data is at the core of creating seamless, omnichannel experiences for customers, especially as consumer expectations for personalization continue to rise. For Davies, this is where data becomes truly transformational, enabling the company to deliver on the promise of a more connected, convenient, and personalized dining experience.

“Data is not just about operational efficiencies; it’s about enhancing the experience for both the customer and our employees in the restaurants,” says Davies. “The intelligence we derive from our data allows us to anticipate needs, personalize offers, and ultimately, build deeper relationships with our customers.”

First-Party Data: Unlocking a Valuable Resource

Yum! Brands’ journey into data transformation began with a realization about the value of its first-party data. “When you start asking yourself, ‘How much first-party data do we actually have?’ you go in, look, and say, ‘Holy smokes!’” Davies recalls. The amount of customer data across the company’s four major brands—Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC, and Habit Burger—was staggering. This data was not just vast but also unique in its potential to deliver actionable insights.

“Think about it,” says Davies, “when someone orders a pizza, they’re willing to give us a lot of personal information if it means getting their pizza delivered on time and hot. There’s a natural value exchange in our business that is not as prevalent in other industries.” This direct interaction with customers has allowed Yum! Brands to accumulate a treasure trove of data, from purchase histories to location preferences, all of which can be used to enhance customer experiences.

Yet, having access to first-party data is only part of the equation. The challenge, as Davies points out, lies in effectively using that data. “From an operations perspective, we’ve been doing pretty well. But from a forward-thinking, one-to-one digital marketing perspective, we realized that we were not leveraging our data as effectively as we could be,” he admits. This gap between data collection and data activation spurred Yum! Brands to embark on a journey of transformation, focused on optimizing the way it uses customer data to drive personalized marketing and operational efficiencies.

Choosing the Right Customer Data Platform (CDP)

For any enterprise-level organization, choosing the right Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a pivotal decision. It was no different for Yum! Brands, which undertook a rigorous process to select a partner that could meet its unique requirements. “When we started looking for a CDP, it wasn’t just about commercials or functionality. It was about finding a partner who could go on this journey with us,” says Davies. The right CDP partner, according to Davies, is not just a vendor but an extension of the organization’s data strategy, one that can adapt and grow alongside the business.

This philosophy of partnership led Yum! Brands to select Treasure Data as its CDP provider. “There were a lot of good companies out there, but we were looking for something more than just a product. We wanted a partner who understood the complexities of working in a franchisee environment and who could collaborate with us in a meaningful way,” Davies notes. The ability to work closely with franchisees is crucial for Yum! Brands, as the company operates on a decentralized model where individual franchisees often have different needs and challenges. “At Yum! Brands, we like to use the term ‘taking people with you,’ because we can’t just dictate solutions from the top down. We have to bring our franchisees along on the journey,” says Davies.

This approach to collaboration was essential in the decision-making process. Davies emphasizes that the partnership with Treasure Data has allowed Yum! Brands to maintain flexibility while pursuing its long-term goals. “We’ve had to flex, but that’s what a journey is all about—it’s never a straight line. We need partners who are willing to adapt as we move forward,” he explains. This adaptability is particularly important in an environment as dynamic as the restaurant industry, where consumer behaviors can shift rapidly, and operational demands can vary widely by region.

Navigating the Complexities of a Global Franchise

One of the most unique aspects of Yum! Brands’ data strategy is its global franchise model, which introduces an additional layer of complexity when it comes to data integration and utilization. “Operating in a franchisee environment is fundamentally different from a corporate-owned model,” says Davies. “You don’t just implement changes overnight. You have to bring your franchisees along on the journey, helping them see the value of the new data tools and platforms.”

For Davies and his team, this means constant collaboration, both internally and with external partners like Treasure Data. “We call it ‘taking people with you’ because it’s about moving everyone in the same direction. I can’t tell a franchisee to do something—they have to want to do it themselves,” he explains. This collaborative approach has been essential in aligning the company’s broader data strategy with the needs and priorities of individual franchisees.

Davies notes that one of the keys to making this model work is clear communication and flexibility. “It’s not about dictating a solution; it’s about listening, adjusting, and making sure that the strategy we’re implementing works for everyone,” he says. This decentralized approach to data management allows Yum! Brands to be both agile and responsive, ensuring that its data strategy is adaptable to the unique challenges of each market and franchise.

A Data-Driven Transformation

As Yum! Brands continues to build out its customer data strategy, Davies is optimistic about the future. “We’ve come a long way, but there’s still so much potential to unlock,” he says. The company’s focus on first-party data, combined with its commitment to collaboration and innovation, positions it as a leader in the restaurant industry’s digital transformation. “We’ve got some really good data,” says Davies. “Now it’s about using it effectively to deliver on our customer promise and to create better, more personalized experiences for each of our customers.”

For Chief Data Officers at enterprise organizations, Yum! Brands’ journey offers valuable lessons in how to approach data transformation at scale. From the importance of choosing the right technology partners to navigating the complexities of a franchise model, Yum! Brands is demonstrating how a thoughtful, data-driven strategy can drive both operational efficiencies and enhanced customer experiences.

As Davies puts it, “This isn’t just about technology; it’s about leadership. It’s about taking people with you, understanding their needs, and building a strategy that works for everyone.” For Yum! Brands, the journey has only just begun, but with a clear focus on collaboration and customer experience, the company is well-positioned to continue leading the way in the evolving world of data-driven business.

from WebProNews

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