Saturday 23 November 2019

Ten lists to write to create BIG results in the next year

I love writing lists.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you will know this.

Why do I love lists?

Because they take me from what’s happening to what’s possible.

They help me collect ideas in one place that I otherwise might have missed.

Ideas excite me. I know they’re not the finished product, and I know it takes action for an idea to have any real-world worth, but having a selection of good ideas represent opportunities.

Opportunity is motivating. It is almost real. It stirs up colour, vision and possibilities in my mind’s eye.

But I’m not always motivated. In fact, I find it incredibly easy to veer off track and forget where I am and why.

This has gotten better with being super-obsessed with these lists and the planning around them. This creates much-needed clarity to keep on track with my longer-term goals.

Writing a brainstorm list of ideas around a particular question or topic has become one of the most productive things I do, and I do it pretty much every day.

Writing exhaustive lists encourages the bio-machinery at the back of my mind to spit out new ideas that weren’t easy to spot initially.

We already know what we need to know.

List-writing reveals the best of what we know in a beautifully fruitful birthing process.

These are ten lists that help me discern between good ideas, great ideas, and the best ideas.

I incorporate the best ideas into my plan for the next twelve months.

Some of these lists help you make a single choice out of many options; others to create a range of useful data points, and others to help spur awareness and understanding, which will better help you make firm decisions.

Try writing your ideas for the following, and see how they help:

Q) What would I do for the rest of my life if I knew I couldn’t fail that would still allow me to continually develop my full potential?

[This question is designed to get you thinking about what kinds of purpose, mission and goals are worth your best time.]

[Brainstorm several ideas here.]

Q) What could I make happen in the next 12-months or less that would have a hugely positive impact on my life, business, and/or the lives of others?

[Write your answers, and then, from the list of ideas, choose ONE rock-solid mission that you commit to making a reality within the next year no matter what. No matter what. You will make this a significant priority in your life now. You will remind yourself of this ONE single mission daily, like a soldier with an order from the Field Marshall.]

Q) What are all the reasons why I absolutely must complete this mission?

[Having an intense and emotional ‘why’ that fuels your actions is vital not only in staying transfixed on your goals, and staying motivated yourself but also in spreading the word to others in a way that draws their support.]

Q) What sub-goals would this ONE mission be composed of?

Q) What small steps would these sub-goals be comprised of, and in what rough order would they need to be completed?

Q) What kinds of people could help me attain each sub-goal?

[Write down all the professions, companies, job-roles, types of people you need to support your goals.

You can’t do this alone. Do what few do and enlist the help of great people. Most people fail at their goals because 1) they don’t enlist much help from others, and 2) they don’t develop connections with enough people. Go BIG here. Build a tribe of at least 150 people who will support you on this single mission and nurture that network over the next year. NOW it becomes a mission.

Some examples:

Mentors who have already found success in what I want, who I can speak to
Social media influencers
Podcasters and interviewers who can put a spotlight on my ideas
Product reviewers
Paying clients and prospective buyers
Sponsors and funders
Collaborators and Partners
Branding specialists.]

Q) Who exactly are the people I need to create relationships within each of the above categories?

[This is where you begin building an extensive set of lists containing real contact names and details of the people you will connect with and share lots of value with.

Yes, it’s work and requires persistence, which is why you want to ensure your mission is exciting, worthwhile, and has a substantial payoff built into it. Then it moves from ‘work’ to fun.

Use LinkedIn and your current networks, referrals and social media to develop these connections. It takes a lot of ignored calls and emails, but having a tribe of people supporting you in your mission is invaluable, and will make the difference between it being a pipe-dream and a reality. Follow me for more on how to build these social networks.]

Q) What ways can I bring value to my network in a consistent way?

[A thriving network that supports you is fueled by your own support and sharing of value. Connecting people together, sharing articles and being a useful resource will ensure many people in your network will bring value back to you too in ways that will propel you to your goals.]

Q) What are some ways I will amplify the likelihood that I will maintain progress towards my mission?

[Perhaps some distractions are holding you back.

What skills do you need to learn; books to read, courses to learn, or classes to go to?

What negative beliefs do you need to break-down and reframe that might be holding you back?

Maybe you need a coach to help guide you.

Maybe your work environment doesn’t help get stuff done.

What are some good habits you can incorporate into your day to make progress smoother and more effective?]

Q) What are the ways you are sold on yourself, your products, services and ideas?

[To make progress in this world, especially when other people are involved, and deals are to be made, I have learned that I must believe in my value in what I have to offer.

Why? Not just to persuade others.

I need to persuade myself.

Listing out the ways I am genuinely sold on myself is vital in motivating me to get my ideas and products out in the world with enthusiasm, in such a way that I support my goals.

How are you genuinely sold on yourself? Why should you be?]

from Red Lemon Club

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