Thursday 17 October 2024

QR Codes: Unlocking Hidden Potential in Everyday Life

QR codes are no longer just a futuristic novelty. They have quietly woven themselves into our everyday experiences, offering quick, efficient solutions to problems we didn’t even know we had.

Whether you’re scanning a QR code to check out a menu, make a payment, or access exclusive content, these simple squares are creating seamless digital bridges all around us. Their growing versatility, especially for businesses and individuals alike, is driving increased demand for easy-to-use tools, such as a qr generator, which simplifies the process of creating these codes.

QR codes offer remarkable flexibility, enabling anyone to tailor them for a wide range of uses. Whether directing users to a website, sharing vital documents, or providing a special discount, QR codes can accomplish these tasks swiftly and effectively.

Practical Ways to Use QR Codes in Everyday Life

QR codes are transforming how we interact with technology by offering fast, contactless solutions to everyday tasks. Their uses are nearly limitless, but here are some of the most practical applications for free QR codes:

  • payments – use a qr generator free to create a code that links to a payment gateway, allowing quick and contactless transactions;
  • marketing – fusinesses can create free QR codes to promote special offers or direct consumers to their website, maximizing their reach with just one scan;
  • education – teachers and institutions can generate QR codes for students to access additional resources, digital handouts, or assignments;
  • healthcare – QR codes can be used to provide patients with instant access to their medical records or instructions for prescriptions;
  • events – instead of printing physical tickets, organizers can use QR codes for entry, schedules, or maps, enhancing the event experience.

With these simple applications, QR codes are not only saving time but also providing a secure and convenient way to manage personal and business needs.

Why QR Codes Are Becoming Indispensable

The secret behind the growing success of QR codes lies in their adaptability. From contactless payments to marketing promotions, they can serve a wide range of purposes. But what truly makes them a vital part of today’s technology landscape is their user-friendly nature and cost-effectiveness. Anyone can easily create a QR code for free using an online QR code generator, enabling both businesses and individuals to harness the power of this tool without a large financial commitment.

Platforms like have made the process of generating QR codes even simpler. With their free online tool, you can create custom QR codes in just a few minutes. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to enhance customer engagement or an individual wanting to streamline everyday tasks, offers the perfect solution.


QR codes are far from being a fleeting trend—they’ve rapidly evolved into a crucial tool for navigating the digital landscape, enhancing efficiency, convenience, and security in our daily lives. Whether you’re generating a QR code for personal or business use, adopting this technology can open up a world of new opportunities right at your fingertips.

from WebProNews

South Korea Takes Aim at Technology Leaks

South Korea is cracking down on tech leaks, promising tougher measures to prevent the country’s tech secrets from leaking internationally.

As the tech industry continues to evolve, especially with the rise of AI, tech secrets are more valuable than ever, with many even playing a role in national security concerns. According to Reuters, South Korea is cracking down on leaks that threaten its tech companies’ intellectual property.

“We will prevent illegal leaks of advanced technologies to raise the global competitiveness of our companies and strengthen technology leadership,” Finance Minister Choi Sang-mok said.

As Reuters goes on to highlight, South Korea has experienced at 97 attempts to steal its tech secrets in the past five years, with many of those being attempts to steal semiconductor secrets. South Korea has already designated 12 industries as “national strategic technologies.”

While Choi said the South Korean government would introduce stronger penalties for leakers, he did not reveal what those penalties would entail.

from WebProNews

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Intel and AMD Form Advisory Board to Spur x86 Innovation

Intel and AMD have formed an advisory board dedicated to furthering innovation in the x86 ecosystem in the face of growing threats from other platforms.

Once the only truly competitive hardware platform, x86 has faced growing challenges from Arm, as well as the up-and-coming RISC-V. Intel and AMD want to spur further innovation in the x86 ecosystem, ensuring it remains viable and competitive for years to come.

For over four decades, x86 has served as the bedrock of modern computing, establishing itself as the preferred architecture in data centers and PCs worldwide. In today’s evolving landscape — characterized by dynamic AI workloads, custom chiplets, and advancements in 3D packaging and system architectures — the importance of a robust and expanding x86 ecosystem is more crucial than ever.

The advisory group includes Broadcom, Dell, Google, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP, Lenovo, Meta, Microsoft, Oracle, and Red Hat, as well as Linux founder Linus Torvalds and Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney.

“We are on the cusp of one of the most significant shifts in the x86 architecture and ecosystem in decades – with new levels of customization, compatibility and scalability needed to meet current and future customer needs,” said Pat Gelsinger, Intel CEO. “We proudly stand together with AMD and the founding members of this advisory group, as we ignite the future of compute, and we deeply appreciate the support of so many industry leaders.”

“Establishing the x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group will ensure that the x86 architecture continues evolving as the compute platform of choice for both developers and customers,” said Lisa Su, AMD Chair and CEO. “We are excited to bring the industry together to provide direction on future architectural enhancements and extend the incredible success of x86 for decades to come.”

The group’s goals include unifying instruction sets and architectural interfaces to improve compatibility across x86 platforms. The group specifically wants to achieve the following:

  • Enhancing customer choice and compatibility across hardware and software, while accelerating their ability to benefit from new, cutting-edge features.
  • Simplifying architectural guidelines to enhance software consistency and standardize interfaces across x86 product offerings from Intel and AMD.
  • Enabling greater and more efficient integration of new capabilities into operating systems, frameworks and applications.

The group touted the good that can come when Intel and AMD cooperate on standards, despite being competitors.

As vigorous competitors, Intel and AMD at the same time share a history of industry collaboration focused on platform-level advancements, the introduction of standards, and security vulnerability mitigation within the x86 ecosystem. Their joint efforts have shaped key technologies, including PCI, PCIe, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Both companies also played a pivotal role in developing USB, a vital connectivity standard for all computers regardless of the processor. This advisory group takes this industry collaboration to the next level for the benefit of the entire computing ecosystem and as a catalyst for product innovation.

from WebProNews

Google Announces $15 Million In AI Grants to Help Upskill Government Workers

Google is stepping up its efforts to spur AI adoption, establishing $15 million in grants to help train and upskill government workers.

Government agencies have already been adopting AI across the spectrum, using it for everything from healthcare to improving utilities and infrastructure. Google is hoping to help ease the adoption even more, using its new $15 million grants as a step in that direction.

At Google Public Sector Summit in Washington D.C., Google unveiled the grants to the Partnership for Public Service and InnovateUS.

The first $10 million grant is to the Partnership for Public Service and InnovateUS.

A $10 million grant to the nonpartisan nonprofit the Partnership for Public Service will help establish the Center for Federal AI, a hub launching in Spring 2025 that is dedicated to cultivating AI leadership and talent within the federal government. At the Center, everyone from interns to executives can learn how to use AI responsibly in their government agencies. As part of this, the Center will offer a federal AI leadership program, federal AI internship program, and initiatives to foster a vibrant learning community for federal AI leaders.

“AI is today’s electricity — it’s a transformative technology that is fundamental to the public sector and to our society,” says Max Stier, president and CEO of the Partnership for Public Service. “’s generous investment will enable the Partnership to expand our current programming and research, and offer innovative new programming to empower agencies to capitalize on AI and better serve the public. We appreciate’s commitment to effective government, and we are excited to partner with them to launch the Partnership’s new Center for Federal AI this spring.”

The second $5 million grant is to InnovateUS.

An additional $5 million of funding will go to InnovateUS, supported by a consortium of federal, state, and local government partners. This organization has been at the forefront of providing no-cost AI training to public sector workers through at-your-own-pace courses, live workshops, and training programs. InnovateUS has trained more than 40,000 learners and has more than 100 agency partners.

“For government to work better and be more accessible to the people it serves, our workers must have the opportunity to take advantage of the latest tools and technologies,” said Beth Simone Noveck, Founder of InnovateUS and Chief AI Strategist for the State of New Jersey. “By continuing to invest in upskilling programs for public sector professionals offered through InnovateUS, we can improve the effectiveness of how we solve problems while restoring much-needed trust in our government.”

Google says AI is set to play a pivotal role in the future of AI, with these latest grants part of the existing AI Opportunity Fund.

The funding announced today is a part of’s $75 million AI Opportunity Fund, which aims to help Americans learn essential AI skills. This funding, along with the efforts of organizations like the Partnership for Public Service and InnovateUS, are paving the way for AI to play a central role in improving government services and addressing societal challenges. By investing in AI training and upskilling, we can help ensure the public sector harnesses the full potential of AI to support critical needs such as healthcare access, infrastructure management and public safety, which benefit us all.

from WebProNews

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Time & Material Vs. Fixed Price for Dedicated Teams: Which Fits You Best?

When thinking about your next dedicated teams project there’s always the big elephant in the room, and that’s about cost. Two main options you have is between time & material (T&M) and fixed price. And it’s a big decision. Choosing one over the other can impact your bottom line.  

The right model can have a major impact on your project’s flexibility, budget, and overall success. So which one is right for you? And how do you know you have made the right choice?  The answer in short is all about your project.  

In today’s blog, I will take the time to cover both models, their strengths, weaknesses and where they work best. Let’s jump in.  

First off, why are we talking about dedicated teams? Globally the IT outsourcing market is on the rise. Outsourcing was valued at $565.43 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $609.53 billion by 2024.  

North America leads in IT outsourcing, holding a significant share of the market. Meanwhile, Asia-Pacific, especially countries like India and China, is expected to see the fastest growth due to larger pools of teams to hire from. With 56% of global companies now using remote hires, dedicated teams mean quicker access to talent from around the world. This gives companies more choice when it comes to matching solutions to their project’s demands. 

Why does Time & Material work for dedicated teams? 

T&M has one big advantage going for it and that’s flexibility. In short, T&M means you only pay for the hours & resources used. This makes it a great match when the project scope is still evolving. But it’s not the only benefit. Here’s why T&M might work for your project, especially when you look for a  dedicated team to hire in a trustworthy software house company.

T&M offers you flexibility  

T&M contracts are adaptable. This means if your project’s needs change, you don’t have to renegotiate the entire contract. You can adjust the project when needed. When it comes to dedicated teams it’s a great way of bringing on specialized skills. Having this flexibility means you aren’t just tied to one technology or language.  

It gives you transparency in spending 

With T&M, you have a clear view of where your money is going. Regular reports detail how much time has been spent on each task, this is mostly tracked through software like Jira. This can allow you to adjust your budget in real time. This can be a bonus when managing a dedicated team so you can see where their efforts are being spent.  

You are always on board with what’s happening 

T&M projects give you the chance to be hands on. As stated, they’re great for flexibility, so throw yourself into the iterative sprints to share your feedback. This allows you to steer the project as needed and provide input. This model is ideal if you like to stay hands-on and it can help your dedicated team integrate with your in-house team. 

You have a core team  

Since T&M contracts often last for the duration of the project, you get consistency. The same team works with you throughout, meaning your team will develop an understanding of your goals and processes. This can help better align them with the project and development process. 

The problem with a T&M model   

However, T&M projects come with a few potential downsides. The flexible nature of T&M means that final costs can be unpredictable, so if you’re working with a tight budget, you’ll need to keep a close eye on spending. Effective time management is also crucial to avoid project overruns. 

Why does fixed price work for dedicated team projects 

If your project scope is well-defined from the start and you need predictability, Fixed Price could be the right fit. Here’s why you might choose this model, especially when working with dedicated teams. 

You are certain of your budget 

With Fixed-Price projects, you know the total cost upfront. This means predictability, and if you have a strict budget, or that spending stays on track, this can be a valuable bonus. It also makes it easier to get project approval from stakeholders, as you can present a clear financial plan from the start. 

Your project’s scope is clear from the start  

Fixed Price contracts are built around a defined scope and set of deliverables. This means that everyone knows what to expect from day one. This model is a great fit for projects where requirements won’t change, and it allows you to focus on other priorities while your team works on delivering results.  

You can be more hands-off  

With Fixed Price, once the scope is set, you don’t have to be as involved day-to-day. You can leave the execution to your development team, which can free you up to focus on other things. This approach is perfect if you prefer to step back after the initial planning and let your team take control.  

Structured Payment Milestones:  

Fixed-Price projects often have payments tied to specific milestones. For you, this means peace of mind, as you can track progress through these milestones. You can be confident that your project is moving forward, and on schedule. 

Fixed Price doesn’t work in all cases  

That said, Fixed-Price contracts can be rigid. Any changes to the scope after the contract is signed can be costly, as they often require a formal change request and renegotiation. This model also requires detailed upfront planning, which can delay the start of the project if you’re eager to get things underway. You and your software partner will need to create a detailed project plan and you must have an idea about the end product.  

Deciding Between Time & Material and Fixed Price for Dedicated Teams 

Your choice between T&M and Fixed Price will depend on several factors, including the scope of your project, your budget, and how involved you want to be in the day-to-day. Here are some key things to think about 

  • Project Scope and Flexibility: if you expect requirements to change, T&M provides the necessary flexibility to adapt as you go. For projects with a stable, well-defined scope, Fixed Price offers predictability and financial security. 
  • Budget Constraints: T&M is cost-effective for projects where you want control over spending and can adjust the budget as needed. If you need a set budget, Fixed Price will offer the financial stability you’re looking for. 
  • Preferred Level of Involvement: T&M suits projects where ongoing input is beneficial, as it builds collaboration and helps you make adjustments in real-time. Fixed Price is ideal if you want to be hands-off after the initial discovery phase planning, as the project can proceed independently, working to the defined goals and outcomes. 

Using Dedicated Teams with the Right Model 

Using dedicated teams in either T&M or Fixed Price projects provides benefits to your project. With T&M, you can adjust your team on the fly, bringing in skilled engineers for specific tasks as and when. In a Fixed Price setting, you get dedicated resources focused on a single solution, often resulting in faster delivery of the project’s goals. 

Ultimately, whether you choose T&M or Fixed Price will depend on your project’s needs, scope, and budget. Match your objectives to the best outcome you need, you can match the development process that delivers on your goals, whether through the flexibility of T&M or the predictability of Fixed Price. 

from WebProNews

Hackers Claim to Have Breached Cisco As Company Investigates

Hacker are claiming to have breached Cisco and stolen data, with the company saying it is investigating the claims.

According to BleepingComputer, bad actors have been trying to sell data purportedly stolen from Cisco via online forums. The hackers making the claims are the well-known “IntelBroker,” working along with “EnergyWeaponUser and “zjj.”

Tune in as we dive into hackers’ claims of breaching Cisco!


“Compromised data: Github projects, Gitlab Projects, SonarQube projects, Source code, hard coded credentials, Certificates, Customer SRCs, Cisco Confidential Documents, Jira tickets, API tokens, AWS Private buckets, Cisco Technology SRCs, Docker Builds, Azure Storage buckets, Private & Public keys, SSL Certificates, Cisco Premium Products & More!,” reads the post on one hacking forum.

Cisco says it is aware of the hackers’ claims and it is investigating their validity.

“Cisco is aware of reports that an actor is alleging to have gained access to certain Cisco-related files,” a Cisco spokesperson told BleepingComputer.

“We have launched an investigation to assess this claim, and our investigation is ongoing.”

The hackers say they breached Cisco on October 6 and provided samples of the purported stolen data, although they did not provide details on how the hack was carried out.

from WebProNews

Tesla Reveals Game-Changing Robotaxi Plans and Industry-Altering Partnerships

Tesla has lifted the curtain on a series of major revelations about its upcoming robotaxi, providing a glimpse into its strategic efforts to revolutionize autonomous transport. The recent Tesla event left industry experts and analysts buzzing as Tesla executives discussed everything from the intricacies of the robotaxi’s engineering to its potential market impact.

Jeff Lutz, a seasoned supply chain executive, offered key insights on the Brighter with Herbert YouTube channel, noting that Elon Musk’s recent moves have been “mind-boggling” in their scope and ambition.

Revealing the Cyber Cab

One of the centerpieces of Tesla’s announcement was the unveiling of what insiders are now calling the “Cyber Cab,” a two-seater robotaxi designed to change how people experience urban transport. According to Lutz, this new prototype is more than just a concept vehicle; it represents the future of mass-produced autonomous transport. “They had twenty of these out there, and it wasn’t just for show. We got in them and experienced what Tesla has been working towards,” said Lutz, pointing to the impressive scope of the demonstration.

The design of the Cyber Cab is an embodiment of Tesla’s emphasis on efficiency and purpose-driven features. Lutz highlighted that every element, from the doors to the seats, has a reason behind it. “This isn’t just about aesthetics,” he said, emphasizing the utilitarian nature of Tesla’s choices. “Tesla has always been about pushing boundaries, and here it’s about engineering for functionality and cost-efficiency. This is what will make scaling these vehicles feasible.”

Autonomous Driving & Hardware 3

One of the major questions surrounding the Cyber Cab was whether it would run on Tesla’s existing autonomous technology. During the event, Kim Java interviewed Tesla executives Franz von Holzhausen and Lars Moravy, who confirmed that the Cyber Cab leverages Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) software, and even older vehicles equipped with Hardware 3 could be made ready for robotaxi duties. “Yes, it’s good to go even with Hardware 3,” Moravy stated, dispelling doubts about the capability of earlier models. This revelation points to Tesla’s broader approach of making its entire fleet adaptable, a strategy that promises to extend the operational life and usefulness of its older cars.


Lutz elaborated on this point, mentioning how Tesla’s steer-by-wire technology is playing a critical role in these advancements. “Tesla is using the Cybertruck as a platform to refine steer-by-wire technology, which is crucial for scaling the Cyber Cab,” Lutz explained. “They’ve figured out how to get it right with the Cybertruck, and now they can scale that to the robotaxi. It’s all about building on existing innovations to move faster.”

Why No Steering Wheel?

Another key feature of the Cyber Cab is the option to remove the steering wheel, an idea that seems counterintuitive but makes perfect sense in Tesla’s grand strategy. “Tesla wants to build a super set that leaves the factory in one way and then adapts to customer needs,” said Lutz. “If a customer needs a steering wheel, it can be added. If they don’t, it stays out, which ultimately reduces manufacturing complexity. Tesla’s objective here is clear—reduce changeover and maintain production efficiency.”

The robotaxi is a two-seater, which some analysts have speculated is part of a plan to eventually evolve the vehicle into a $25,000 mass-market car. Lutz commented, “It makes perfect sense. This is Tesla testing the waters. If they can do this with a robotaxi, then scaling down to a compact model, including options like a steering wheel, is entirely possible.”

Elon Musk’s Long-Term Vision

Lutz believes that Musk’s ambitious vision for Tesla’s robotaxi goes well beyond what other companies have managed so far. “You see companies showing off flashy prototypes that ultimately fail to scale economically. Tesla starts with production solutions—they design for scale from day one. That’s the difference,” Lutz emphasized.

He also reflected on the significant improvement in AI and hardware integration since Tesla’s AI Day in 2022. “I was there, sitting in the third row. In just 24 months, they’ve gone from a single humanoid walking on stage to an entire army of Tesla Bots interacting and serving drinks,” Lutz said. “The rapid progress they’ve made—both with autonomous cars and robotics—is something no one else in the market has come close to achieving.”

The First Robotaxi Customers: Salesforce?

One of the unexpected revelations during the event was the potential for Salesforce to become one of the first major customers for Tesla Bots. Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, was in attendance and appeared impressed with the capabilities of Tesla’s humanoid robots. Benioff hinted at a future collaboration, posting about using these robots to power Salesforce’s “agent force,” essentially putting Tesla Bots in customer service roles in various sectors.

“Mark knows partnerships,” said Lutz. “He was there for a reason—to see if Tesla’s vision could integrate into Salesforce’s ecosystem. The Bots’ ability to serve drinks and interact with people shows they’re beyond just a concept. It’s a functioning reality. If Salesforce signs on, it’s the beginning of a massive new market for Tesla.”

No $25,000 Compact Car—Yet

Despite speculation, Tesla did not unveil a new $25,000 compact car during the event, and Lutz wasn’t surprised. “Tesla is not going to introduce a lower-cost vehicle until they have the right timing to manage existing inventory and avoid any disruptions in their current supply chain,” he said. “It’s about avoiding what’s called ‘excess and obsolescence’ (E&O). Introducing a new model too soon would create a financial liability in the form of unsold inventory. Tesla is playing the long game, and they’re not going to risk their balance sheet just to satisfy market rumors.”

Lutz pointed out that Tesla’s approach to reducing the cost of the Cyber Cab—from the simple, non-motorized seats to the single-pane side windows—is all part of making autonomous vehicles economically viable. “Elon Musk said it would cost around $30,000, and that likely includes FSD,” Lutz added. “The economics of this vehicle are focused on hitting the price point needed for mass adoption, but not at the expense of Tesla’s production efficiency.”

Scale and Simplicity: The Tesla Advantage

At its core, Tesla’s robotaxi is built for scale. The company has thought through every aspect of the vehicle—from wireless charging to optimized seat designs that facilitate faster cleaning—all with the goal of reducing cost and increasing operational efficiency. “Tesla’s vision isn’t just about putting an autonomous car on the road,” Lutz said. “It’s about an integrated system, including charging, maintenance, and even cleaning—all designed to scale.”

According to Lutz, the absence of a charge port and the move towards wireless charging is a bold step. “Five years from now, wireless charging will be the norm, and Tesla is already building for that future. The reduction in complexity and cost from removing traditional charging components is significant.”

The Bigger Picture: Partnerships and the Future of Tesla

Lutz believes the event served as more than a tech showcase—it was a signal to potential partners that Tesla’s solutions are ready for real-world applications. “In 2022, the event was about recruitment, about showing off Tesla’s engineering prowess,” Lutz explained. “This year, it was about partnerships. There were CEOs and corporate executives everywhere—people who could see firsthand the potential of these robots and autonomous cars to transform their own operations.”

“What people don’t realize is that Tesla isn’t just selling cars anymore,” Lutz continued. “They’re selling solutions—FSD, Optimus, software, and now potentially, robots. The sum of Tesla’s parts is becoming far greater than the whole, and no one’s properly modeling this yet. Tesla is about to fundamentally change the game, and this event was just the beginning.”

Tesla’s robotaxi project is more than just a new model of transport—it’s the embodiment of Elon Musk’s vision for scalable, autonomous solutions. As Tesla navigates partnerships, prepares to scale its production, and explores new applications for its AI and robotics, it’s clear that the company is playing at a different level. Jeff Lutz summed it up well: “Tesla’s not just a car company anymore—it’s a technology company building the future.” As Tesla brings the Cyber Cab closer to reality, it signals the dawn of a new era in transport, manufacturing, and human-machine collaboration, with the potential to disrupt industries far beyond the automotive sector.

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