Monday 5 August 2024

How to Create the Ultimate ‘Business Card’ for Your Brand

What your mind processes when you hear a business card? A solid paper with your image, your name, job title, and contact information, right? But not now because technology has come to change its shape. The reason behind this change is that it is becoming less efficient than normal days. Here is now more potent tool to represent your brand: a book.

Off course, you read it right a book. Writing a book is a modern equivalent of a business card. Have you ever thought about a person having your book in his hand? It is possible to showcase your expertise and valuable insights.

Let’s explore how you can easily write a book and use it to elevate your brand.

Why a Book is the New Business Card

A book offers something a traditional business card cannot: depth. However, a business card showcase who you are and what you do, but a business book tells your story. It has the potential to inform everyone about your struggles, expertise and what you have achieved in your authority.

Whenever you offer someone a book, it means you offering them to see the worth through your eyes. Furthermore, self publishing and on demand book printing have made it easy for anyopne.

Step 1: Choosing Your Topic

Firstly, you need to choose the right topic of your writing because it will showcase your expertise. Before start writing, you should think that what would you want to be recognized for and what people will know about you. Is it capable to solve your audiences’ problem or is it valuable for them? Therefore, you need to choose the topic that is helpful for your audience and align with your brand’s goals.

For example, if you’re a financial advisor, you could write a book on building wealth or managing finances. If you’re a fitness coach, you could share workout plans and nutrition tips. The key is to choose a topic that showcases your expertise and resonates with your audience. This gives you a reason to hand it out to customers and prospects.

Once you have your topic, it’s time to plan your book. Start by outlining the main points you want to cover. Break your book into chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of your topic. This will help you organize your thoughts and make the writing process more manageable.

For example, if you’re writing a book on financial planning, your chapters could include:

  • Introduction to Financial Planning
  • Budgeting and Saving
  • Investing Basics
  • Retirement Planning
  • Managing Debt
  • Advanced Investment Strategies

An outline is basically a roadmap for your book, helping you stay on track and ensuring you cover all the important points.

Step 2: Writing Your Book

Now comes the part that might seem daunting: writing. But don’t worry, you don’t have to do it all at once. Set aside a specific time each day or week to write. Consistency is key. Even if you only write a few pages at a time, you’ll make progress over time.

Remember one thing that your book doesn’t have to be perfect at the first try. Therefore, you need to focus on getting your ideas on the paper so that you may revise and change thoughts later. If you thought that writing is not your thing, then pour out your ideas and let the things work as they are doing.

Once you’ve finished your first draft, you can polish it up. Editing will ensure your book is clear, concise, and free of errors. (For best results, consider hiring a professional editor to review your work, as a fresh set of trained eyes can provide valuable feedback and help you refine your message.)

Step 3: Designing & Publishing Your Book

Designing of your book will work as your content does for your website. The appealing the cover of your book, the more the purchases it will get. However, people say that don’t judge a book by its cover, but they do. So, you need to design it as pouring light from the dark that will appeal audiences to buy the book.

In addition, you don’t need to have a design degree to design your cover, but use online websites. There is a plenty of online DIY design platforms that allow you to design what you want. You can also ask a freelancer for a book cover on a one-off basis.

Step 4: Make Use of Your Book

Here it comes, when your book is published. Now, it is the time when you have to use it for boosting your brand. Here are some ideas to do so.

  • Give Aways: Just like a business card, you can hand out your book at networking events, conferences, and meetings. It’s a memorable way to introduce yourself and showcase your expertise. (In most cases, your book is going to yield the most value as a free giveaway rather than trying to sell copies.)
  • Promotion: Share your book on your website, social media, and email newsletter. Encourage your audience to read and share it, as well.
  • Use It in Your Marketing: Include your book in your marketing materials, such as brochures and presentations. This adds credibility and sets you apart from the competition.
  • Speak and Teach: Use your book as a platform to book speaking engagements or teaching opportunities. It positions you as an expert and helps you reach a wider audience than you otherwise would with a simple handout or freebie that doesn’t communicate authority.

Ready to Author Your New Business Card?

Writing a book is a big consideration for you because it has the potential to establish your brand. Moreover, it is not such an issue to undertake the task of writing because it is way more interesting than boring. Within just a few months, you will be able to have your book in your hands from nowhere. The condition is to have your complete focus on it. Here, your main strategy will be there to make it your business card for the future.

from WebProNews

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